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  • Thread Starter md2885


    FYI, I have already enabled the single-wpsl_stores.php template page.

    From this, I can only alter the order of the map, address and hours data via the shortcodes and can’t actually edit the formatting of the text produced by it, like I can with the wpsl_listing_template filter for the listing frontend.

    Plugin Author Tijmen Smit


    The only way to do that is by writing custom code that outputs the address details.

    You can see how the [wpsl_address] creates the HTML output here.

    You can copy it, paste it in the single-wpsl_stores.php, and adjust it to your needs. Do replace $atts[‘id’] with $queried_object->ID, and leave out the $atts everywhere.

    Thread Starter md2885


    Ok, not sure I have got the code quite right. This is what I have pasted into single-wpsl_stores.php but when I go to navigate the page, it is broken and returning a 500 error.

    				            if ( get_post_type() == 'wpsl_stores' ) {
    	                if ( empty( $queried_object->ID ) ) {
                        if ( isset( $post->ID ) ) {
    	                        $queried_object->ID = $post->ID;
                        } else {
    	            } else if ( empty( $queried_object->ID ) ) {
                    return __( 'If you use the [wpsl_address] shortcode outside a store page you need to set the ID attribute.', 'wpsl' );
    				$content = '<div class="wpsl-locations-details">';
    if ( ['name'] && $store_name = get_the_title( $queried_object->ID ) ) {
    $content .= '<span><strong>' . esc_html( $store_name ) . '</strong></span>';
    $content .= '<div class="wpsl-location-address">';
    if ( ['address'] && $store_address = get_post_meta( $queried_object->ID, 'wpsl_address', true ) ) {
         $content .= '<span>' . esc_html( $store_address ) . '</span><br/>';
    if ( ['address2'] && $store_address2 = get_post_meta( $queried_object->ID, 'wpsl_address2', true ) ) {
                   $content .= '<span>' . esc_html( $store_address2 ) . '</span><br/>';
    $address_format = explode( '_', $wpsl_settings['address_format'] );
    $count = count( $address_format );
    $i = 1;
    // Loop over the address parts to make sure they are shown in the right order.
    foreach ( $address_format as $address_part ) {
      // Make sure the shortcode attribute is set to true for the $address_part, and it's not the 'comma' part.
               if ( $address_part != 'comma' && [$address_part] ) {
                   $post_meta = get_post_meta( $queried_object->ID, 'wpsl_' . $address_part, true );
                    if ( $post_meta ) {
                          * Check if the next part of the address is set to 'comma'.
                          * If so add the, after the current address part, otherwise just show a space
                          if ( isset( $address_format[$i] ) && ( $address_format[$i] == 'comma' ) ) {
                              $punctuation = ', ';
                           } else {
                             $punctuation = ' ';
                         // If we have reached the last item add a <br /> behind it.
                           $br = ( $count == $i ) ? '<br />' : '';
                         $content .= '<span>' . esc_html( $post_meta ) . $punctuation . '</span>' . $br;
             if ( ['country'] && $store_country = get_post_meta( $queried_object->ID, 'wpsl_country', true ) ) {
                 $content .= '<span>' . esc_html( $store_country ) . '</span>';
                $content .= '</div>';
    Plugin Author Tijmen Smit


    Try this code.

    Thread Starter md2885


    That is still breaking the page for some reason? Without it, the pages works fine. Existing code (minus your suggestion above) shown below:

     * Example of a single WPSL store template for the Twenty Fifteen theme.
     * @package Twenty_Fifteen
    get_header(); ?>
       	<div class="main_bg">
    	<div id="content" class="row main">
    	<div class="twelve columns">
            <main id="main" class="site-main" role="main">
                <article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>>
                   <header class="entry-header">
                        <h1 class="entry-title"><?php single_post_title(); ?></h1>
                        global $post;
                        $queried_object = get_queried_object();
                        // Add the map shortcode
                        echo do_shortcode( '[wpsl_map]' );
                    <div class="four columns">
    				<?php // Added wpsl-custom-address.php code here ?>
    				<h3>Opening Hours</h3>
                        global $post;
                        $queried_object = get_queried_object();
    					// Add the address shortcode
                        echo do_shortcode( '[wpsl_hours]' );
    				<div class="eight columns">
                        global $post;
                        $queried_object = get_queried_object();
                        // Add the content
                        $post = get_post( $queried_object->ID );
                        setup_postdata( $post );
                        wp_reset_postdata( $post );
    				<h3>Contact Dealer</h3>
    				<?php echo do_shortcode('[contact-form-7 id="66" title="Dealer Page Contact Form"]');?>
            </main><!-- #main -->
        </div><!-- #primary -->
    <?php get_footer(); ?>'

    Plugin Author Tijmen Smit


    You don’t need to do global $post and get_queried_object more then once.

    This template works fine for me with the address code.

    If you get errors, try to enable WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_LOG and check the debug.log file for errors inside the /wp-content/ directory.

    Thread Starter md2885


    Fixed it. Error caused by [] around second reference of $address_part on line 58 of your example. Removed those and it worked.

    Thanks for your help Tijmen. Really pleased with this plugin ??

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