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  • Plugin Author MihChe


    Hi Miguel,
    I’ll have a look at the plugin’s code and if it’s possible I’ll create an extension for it.


    Hi there,
    Wondering if it’s possible to use another captcha besides the reCaptcha with Easy Forms for MailChimp by Yikes Plugin? And, how I would input it?
    thanks in advance ??

    Hi Glittergirl_TO,

    At the moment it’s not possible out of the box. It would involve altering large parts of the code.

    What sort of captcha did you have in mind? We certainly would be willing to explore some additional options.


    Plugin Author MihChe


    Hi Evan, Glittergirl_TO

    Sure, no problem!
    WPBruiser is integrated with Easy Forms for Mailchimp by Yikes and protects the subscription forms with no captcha, reCaptcha or any other user interaction.

    In the last couple of months I’ve got lots of requests for this and I have created an extension.

    Please contact me through and I’ll help you with this.

    @evan Herman,
    This WILL NOT involve altering any parts of the code. At a click of a button, WPBruiser will protect against fake subscriptions all the forms created with your plugin(Easy Forms for Mailchimp by Yikes)


    ^^ Whoops – Sorry about that!

    I thought that this was in our support form – I guess I should look a little more clearly next time before I respond ??

    My mistake.


    Plugin Author MihChe


    No problem Evan!
    Nice to see you here! Thanks for stopping by.
    And… when your mailing list will get besieged by spam signups do not hesitate to contact me. I can help you with this as well :)) Joking here!


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