Feedburner – this feed does not validate
Hi, when first installed, this plugin worked great. However, it just stopped working in the past few days. Actually, I’m not sure if its the plugin or feedburner. When I checked on the troubleshooting tab of Feedburner, (original feed validity), it gave the reasons why the feed was not working, which are listed below:
SITE: olivesfordinner.com
This is what feedburner says:
Sorry This feed does not validate.line 1, column 1: Blank line before XML declaration [help]
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?><rss version=”2.0″
In addition, interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendations.line 45, column 0: content:encoded should not contain srcset attribute (35 occurrences) [help]
<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img class=”alignleft wp-image-2411 size-la …
line 45, column 0: content:encoded should not contain sizes attribute (35 occurrences) [help]<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><img class=”alignleft wp-image-2411 size-la …
line 59, column 0: content:encoded should not contain itemscope attribute (7 occurrences) [help]<div class=”simmer-embedded-recipe post-2425 recipe type-recipe status-draft …
line 59, column 0: content:encoded should not contain itemtype attribute (7 occurrences) [help]<div class=”simmer-embedded-recipe post-2425 recipe type-recipe status-draft …
line 61, column 0: content:encoded should not contain itemprop attribute (151 occurrences) [help]<h1 class=”simmer-recipe-title” itemprop=”name”>
line 66, column 0: content:encoded should not contain meta tag (30 occurrences) [help]<meta itemprop=”datePublished” content=”2016-04-08″>
line 146, column 3: content:encoded should not contain relative URL references: # (7 occurrences) [help]]]></content:encoded>
line 313, column 0: style attribute contains potentially dangerous content: max-height (4 occurrences) [help]https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/genesis-enews-extended/
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