• My site has 2 pages that I want to post to. One is the Blog and the other is my Daily Motivations. The blog page works fine. However the Daily Motivation page does not. When I make a post it shows up under the Blog page and not in the Daily Motivation page. Is there a plugin or a way to make my daily motivation posts show up only to my Daily Motivation page? I will be making daily posts to it and I cannot put it directly onto the Motivation page because it is a page.
    I hope I am being clear. If you want to see my site it is https://www.wheresmyguru.com
    Thanks in advance!

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  • Hey,

    I see you’ve created a static page for “daily motivations” which you link to in your navigation. Try using the blog category archive page instead:

    One simple way to achieve what you need would be to replace that menu link with the blog post category “daily motivation” which would then link to the archive page for daily motivations.

    As you categorise posts as daily motivation they are automatically added to that archive page here https://www.wheresmyguru.com/category/dailymotivation

    Hope this helps

    Thread Starter WheresMyGuru


    Thanks Hugues,
    Where is my blog category archive page located? Or do I have to create one?

    Sorry for being such a newbie. I googled it and all they told me was how to set up a customized one.

    Thanks again

    Hi Cindy,

    As soon as you create a category this will create an archive page for you and as soon as you allocate a post to that category it will show up on that page.

    Here it is: https://www.wheresmyguru.com/category/dailymotivation/ and can currently be accessed by clicking on that category in the main blog page (blue box with white text)

    To add it to the menu go to appearance>menus and select your main navigation menu.
    Then, instead of adding a “page” add a “category” and you’ll find the “daily motivation” category there – if you can’t see the option for “categories” make sure that your “screen options” has the “categories” box ticked (grey box with drop down arrow at the very top right hand side of you admin dashboard).

    You can also add a description (which some themes will show on that category archive page) and change the slug (url) for any given categories under posts>categories.

    Does this help ?
    Don’t worry at all about being e newbie, we all had to start somewhere.
    Let me know if you need any more help.

    Thread Starter WheresMyGuru


    Hi Hugues,
    Thanks!! That worked well. Now the only problem is that it is showing up in the Blog too. I only want it in the Daily Motivation part. The blog is only for my Social Media info. Is there a way to do that?
    Thanks again – you are great!


    You could either:

    1. not link to your blog page in the menu and instead create another category for your social media stuff and repeat the same approach as you did for the daily motivation page


    2. Use a plugin to exclude some categories from your blog page as listed on this thread :

    Either of those should achieve what you need.


    Thread Starter WheresMyGuru


    Hi Hugues
    It worked PERFECTLY!! I am so happy. I used the plugin and it was easy.
    Thank you so much and if there is anything I can ever do for you, do not hesitate to contact me.
    ?? Cindy ??

    You’re very welcome Cindy. That’s what the WordPress community is for.
    Good luck with your website

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