Mohmed…Please continue to develop this plugin. It is much needed.
**For those of you having problems with this plugin**
1. Install and activate plugin
2. Go into Manage — WpClassifieds — Add/Edit Categories
3. Click on “Add Category”
4. Categories are the MAIN sections of your classifieds. For example, Autos For Sale
5. Now that you have a category, click on “Add List” under the Add/Edit Categories menu.
6. Create a list and then choose its parent category.
**Lists are your subsections on your classifieds. For example, “Trucks” would be a list whose parent category would be “Autos For Sale.”
Unless you create lists under your categories, you won’t see a thing on your classified page.
Make sense?
I’m using this on 2.6 and it works perfectly. No problems. I think the problems people have come from the fact that they don’t understand Categories and Lists.
Hope this helps!