You can easily add the theme’s default meta layout option by creating a child theme first, then on your child theme’s function.php you can add the following given code.
function education_hub_add_theme_meta_box() {
$apply_metabox_post_types = array( 'post', 'page', 'test' );
foreach ( $apply_metabox_post_types as $key => $type ) {
esc_html__( 'Theme Settings', 'education-hub' ),
You can see a value called “test” on the second line of the code. Replace the value with your custom post’s slug that you have made.
Then the meta box will appear on the bottom of your Dashboard => “your custom post type” => “Add/edit your custom post type”. Then you can assign a layout for each one of your custom post type.
That should do it.
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