Hi Luca
Consider creating a child theme instead of editing a theme directly — if you upgrade the theme all your modifications will be lost.
To add the excerpt to the caption put this in your functions.php file:
add_filter( 'related_posts_by_taxonomy_caption', 'rpbt_add_excerpt_to_caption', 10, 2 );
function rpbt_add_excerpt_to_caption( $caption, $related ){
$caption = trim( $caption );
$caption = $caption ? '<h4>' . $caption . '</h4>' : '';
global $post;
$post = $related;
setup_postdata( $related );
// get's the autogenerated excerpt or post execerpt if available
$excerpt = apply_filters( 'the_excerpt', get_the_excerpt() );
$caption .= $excerpt ? $excerpt : '';
return $caption;
To style the gallery see the selectors you can use here:
To style the post title in the caption
.related-gallery .gallery-caption h4 {
To style the excerpt in the caption
.related-gallery .gallery-caption p {
I assume by site title you mean the widget or shortcode title.
The widget title can be styled with this selector
.widget.related_posts_by_taxonomy .widget-title {
The shortcode title with this:
.rpbt_shortcode h3 {