• I realy hope that somebody can help me out.
    I copied my wordpress-site to a subdirectory on the same server to “experiment” with this copy before editing something on my “real” site. So far so good. The only problem left: the media upload does not work on the copied site in the subfolder. I get an

    Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads/2016/05. Is its parent directory writable by the server?

    I checked and my wp-content folder and the uploads folder have a 755 permission.

    I thought I might update the path to the directory in wich the media should be uploaded, since it’s not possible in the backend in my version (4.2.1) I tried to set a path in my wp-config with

    define( 'UPLOADS', 'wp-content/'.'uploads');

    define( 'UPLOADS', 'mysubfolder/wp-content/'.'uploads');

    but that didn’t work for me. Than I tried to create the 2016 and the 05 folder manually, but still the same error…

    In my “old” installation, which is running with the same WP-Version everything works fine. So I have no Idea what else I could try. Every Idea or help is appreciated!

Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)
  • The uploads folder may be readable but what about all sub-folders? If using an FTP program, such as FileZilla, make sure you apply the permissions to that folder and all sub-folders as well. Does that help?


    Thread Starter memento17


    I think all sub-folder had 755, but to be sure I changed the uploads and all subdirectories to 755 and all files to 644, but it’s still not working.

    Moderator t-p


    Also, check if there is a .htaccess file in the wp-content/uploads/ folder. It may have gone rogue. Try renaming it to htaccess.txt and refresh the site.

    Thread Starter memento17


    thank you for your suggestion, but there is no .htaccess in the uploads directory, only in the root folder of the wordpress-installation.

    Shouldn’t it have a permission of 775, rather than 755, or is that a typo?


    Thread Starter memento17


    As far as i found out on different sites 755 for all folders should be ok.
    as you can see here and here
    Moreover the permissions in my “original” installation are also 755 and on this site the media upload works fine. So I guess the error must be somewhere in the database, where the upload path is defined… Maybe it’s an absolute path and changing it in my wp-config as i described above is not enough?

    maybe it helps if I tell you what tables and columns I updated in my DB
    I updated: wp_options (option_value), wp_posts (post_content), wp_postmeta (metavalue)

    Do I need to update other tables to make the upload work???

    Thread Starter memento17


    No further ideas?

    Not at the moment. If you take a look at the forums you’ll see plenty of people over years experiencing similar issues but no-one seems to give a definitive answer to them (maybe there isn’t one!). Personally, I wouldn’t be tinkering with the config and just concentrate on getting it to work as is.


    try deleting the .htaccess in the new site root (save old version just in case…) and then go to Settings > Permalinks and click save to recreate the .htaccess file.

    Also, are you using a separate database for the test site? If not, then you might screw up your live site.

    Here’s basic instruction for creating a test site:

    1. copy site files to a new test folder
    2. create a subdomain for the test site; eg, test.mysite.com
    3. create a new database and import the live site database.
    4. A. use https://interconnectit.com/products/search-and-replace-for-wordpress-databases/ to replace all the urls on your site
    4. B. open wp-config and enter the following code:

    replace https://somesite.com with your sub domain

    That’s a good spot pxforti, it does read as if just the site files have been copied, which may very well explain the issues.


    10-4. I’ve done it myself even though I know better ??

    Thread Starter memento17


    Hey guys, thanks for your answers. But I adjusted my htaccess to the new subdomain

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /subdirectory/
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /subdirectory/index.php [L]

    and I also created a new Database, imported the old one and replaced the following tables via sql:

    UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value,'https://www.example.com','https://example.com/subdirectory') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl';
    UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content,'https://www.example.com','https://example.com/subdirectory');
    UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = replace(meta_value,'https://www.example.com','https://example.com/subdirectory');?

    I have some other entries in my htaccess, but none of them looks worng to me:

    # BEGIN Better WP Security
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    # Begin HackRepair.com Blacklist
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    # End HackRepair.com Blacklist
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    # END Better WP Security

    try this: back up your .htaccess, then go to settings > permalinks and click save. That will create a standard wordpress .htaccess file.

    Also, if a plugin created all that code in your htaccess file, turn them off.

    See if that fixes the problem.

    Also, I think it’s easier to create a subdomain than to use a sub folder installation. That way you have a root install that mimics your current install.

    Tryed @pxforti Didnt work… Anyone know a fix?

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