• Resolved tom coady


    Notice: Use of undefined constant dreamobjects – assumed ‘dreamobjects’ in
    /wp-content/plugins/dreamobjects/lib/settings.php on line 94

    Copy of line 3-6 of error log:
    [2016/05/13 08:47:18] Calculating backup size…
    [2016/05/13 08:47:18] 2 GB of diskspace will be processed.
    [2016/05/13 08:47:18] ERROR! PHP is unable to backup your wp-content folder. Please consider cleaning out unused files (like plugins and themes).

    line 91-94 of settings.php

    // Main Settings Pages

    public static function add_settings_page() {
    ` load_plugin_textdomain(dreamobjects, DHDO_PLUGIN_DIR . ‘i18n’, ‘i18n’);

    PHP 5.6.19 (cli) (built: Mar 16 2016 14:21:36)


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  • Plugin Author Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    [2016/05/13 08:47:18] ERROR! PHP is unable to backup your wp-content folder. Please consider cleaning out unused files (like plugins and themes).

    That isn’t an error. I mean… it is but the reason is this:

    2 GB of diskspace will be processed.

    PHP has a hard limit. Can’t fix that for you ??

    The other parts are errors, but are also fixed in 4.0.2 which will be out next week ??

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