• Resolved s.wini


    hi, i love your plugin, but after i updated to the latest version, i got an error:
    `Warning: filemtime(): stat failed for /homepages/32/d18627260/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/library/media/plugins/widgetbullet/transition/transition/style.min.css in /homepages/32/d18627260/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/nextend/library/libraries/assets/cache.php on line 69

    I’ll go back to 3.0.31 meanwhile…any idea what it can be?

    many greets


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  • Thread Starter s.wini



    ?? changing cache directory to 777 and deactivating/activating the plugin did it for me!

    Same problem here, after update.

    I am NOT going to start changing permissions etc, so I REMOVED Smart Slider 3 and will look for another Slider!

    Bye Smart Slider 3 ??

    Plugin Author Nextendweb


    Hi @swini-1 and @yeremyah,

    we think that security comes first, so I would not suggest you to set that directory to 777 permission if it worked previously with normal permission. (if 777 permission needed that usually tell me one thing, the server is not properly configured and the owners of the files and processes are not fine.)

    I think you just need to refresh the slider cache, that should solve this issue:


    Plugin Author Nextendweb


    Hi @swini-1 and @yeremyah,

    I have just pushed out an update which should resolve this issue. It has nothing to do with the filesystem permissions, it was a bug which prevented our cache clear when the plugin updated. From now on the cache will be properly cleared on update, so this issue should be gone.

    Thank you ??

    I removed the plugin and reinstalled Smart Slider 3 earlier before you posted your message which fixed the problem, but good to see you released the update, I am sure many others were affected as well.

    Thanks for SS3, it’s a shame however the free version only has 4 templates, for us poor people ??

    Plugin Author Nextendweb



    I’m happy that the issue fixed with our latest update. ??

    We are not able to give everything for free (if we would, we wouldn’t be able to make our living and be able to continue the development and in that case our support channel on this forum would be dead). I hope you can understand our reasoning.

    Thread Starter s.wini


    thanks for the update! permissions are back to 755 ?? and all works fine!

    I understand @nextendweb

    It just would be nice to have a few more templates for the free version.

    May Yahweh bless you and your journey.

    @nextendweb the sliders sit there for 10 seconds before changing to a different slide.

    Is it possible for me to change this to 5 seconds? If so, how?




    Hi @yeremyah

    You can change the autoplay interval at the Slider settings -> Autoplay tab.

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