Suggestion for helping translation,
in includes/helper-functions.php : Line 138
function lsow_entry_published($format = "M d, Y") {
$published = '<span class="published"><abbr title="' . sprintf(get_the_time(esc_html__('l, F, Y, g:i a', 'livemesh-so-widgets'))) . '">' . sprintf(get_the_time($format)) . '</abbr></span>';
return $published;
function lsow_entry_published($format = "M d, Y") {
$published = '<span class="published"><abbr title="' . sprintf(get_the_time(esc_html__('l, F, Y, g:i a', 'livemesh-so-widgets'))) . '">' . sprintf(get_the_date()) . '</abbr></span>';
return $published;
and suppress $link= (…) return $link; that’s not active code
get_the_date() use the default local date format
or if you prefer a more cutimized code put the format inside translation domain : sprintf(get_the_time(esc_html__(‘M d, Y’, ‘livemesh-so-widgets’)))