• So I am logged in as admin. When I edit a post it shows up as me:
    Last edited by Rob MacArthur on April 15, 2008 at 3:46 pm

    But my name is missing from the author drop down menu.
    And when it is posted it lists another author’s name.

    I am not aware of changing anything [at all] that would have caused this.

    Someone said they found a thread which addressed this but my searches only turned up their thread with the same issue – and they failed to point to the other thread or explain the fix. So if you are aware of the other thread my apologies for posting this again.


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  • I have also got this issue! I can post as the other two people that are registered to post, but my name is not on the list. Again, all I have been doing is creating posts, I can’t think of anything that will have made my name disappear. I can do anything else admin wise still.

    After reading the other thread, I think it happened after I added a new author.
    I have since tried making that account into an Admin, to no avail.

    Apologies for the constant posts, I should think before I write!

    I believe I have solved the problem.

    If you change your role to Administrator (even though it already is!) it seems to set things right.

    Hey, I can confirm this bug.

    WP 2.5.1: Happened after I added an author. As jmrussell pointed out, the work-around is resetting admin’s role to Administrator. Only then does admin show in the Post Author drop-down list.

    Yep, I have this bug also.

    ha! me too. The workaround worked, thanks guys.

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