Another plugin did override wp-mail function. Please de-activate the other plugi
Everything appears to be green, but when I activate it shows a message:
“Another plugin did override wp-mail function. Please de-activate the other plugin if you want WP SES to work properly.”When I refresh the plugin page, it shows not activated. I wasn’t sure what plugin was defining wp-mail, so I ran found where you decide whether to show me that message and did the following grep on my entire wordpress installation:
grep -R “function\s*wp_mail”
wp-content/plugins/wp-ses/wp-ses.php: function wp_mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers = ”, $attachments = ”) {
wp-includes/pluggable.php:function wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers = ”, $attachments = array() ) {It is defined in two places, once in pluggable.php and once in your plugin. I don’t find any other declarations for this function. I glanced at Is there a race between pluggable.php and your plugin?
Any ideas to help me resolve this and activate?
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