i’m not an expert but try to limit your blog post per page… go to dasboard>settings>reading>Blog pages show at most
and set it to 2 post per page..
Recently, i have developed my own template and i found this problem too, when my post reach 4 post per page, the sidebar move below the content.
i don’t know why but the problem is with the page div tags, i believe there are some miss placed tag div inside index.php.. if you want to look inside your template file then look for incomplete div tag.
use firebug or chrome dev tool to inspect the side bar..
this is what i discover from your site [
and this script actually load from your index.php, begin from line 3]:
<div id="site-content">
div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8">
<main id="content"
and when i changed to this, the sidebar arranged back to its place:
<div id="site-content">
div class="row col-md-8">
<div class="col-md-12">
<main id="content"
if you want to change the code, i suggest to make a child theme, or ask for the update from Olsen..