• Perhaps I should be looking at the forums for the plug ins but am curious if others encounter or have any insight into something odd in the StatPress overview for my blog.

    Over the last week or so, I have a number of “hits” and views each day supposedly to pages that start with “now_reading_author=” but where what follows is various http addresses ending in chat.ru (or occasionally an .lv domain). Does this reflect spambots or does it raise questions about the Now Reading plugin as a vehicle for possibly malicious activity? Bottom line, is it anything to be concerned about?

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  • Bumping this post, because I’m getting a (lot of) similar odd hit(s). The landing page will be https://www.mydomain.com/mysub/?content=https://pisceanprophecy.com/vnc/fx29id1.txt?? where mydomain and mysub are the the domain and subdirectory of my wordpress installation. Invariably, it references a text file. If I click on it, it just takes me to my blog. If I go to just the “content=” domain, it’s invariably parked on something else. Askimet is not reporting any spam, I don’t allow unmoderated comments, and I can’t see any exploits on the server. Some feedback on this would be greatly appreciated.

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