If you want to add some additional fields for subscriber form, you can use the following filters:
1) sbscrbr_add_field
– adding additional content. For example:
function add_my_fields ( $content ) {
return $content . '<label>One More text Field<br /><input type="text" name="one_more_text_field" value="" /></label>';
add_filter( 'sbscrbr_add_field', 'add_my_fields' );
2) sbscrbr_check
– data processing after sending. For example:
function check_my_fields ( $result ) {
// if there is some kind of error already
if ( false === $result || ( is_string( $result ) && ! empty( $result ) ) )
return $result;
// put your verification code here
if ( ! empty( $_POST['one_more_text_field'] ) ) {
// do some action in case of success
return true;
// if something is wrong
return false;
add_filter( 'sbscrbr_check', 'check_my_fields' );
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