• Resolved tuccimane


    I get these in my query monitor report:

    PHP Warning – Missing argument 1 for Minify_HTML::__construct(), called in /home/content/t/u/c/tucsontile/html/wp-content/plugins/autoptimize/classes/autoptimizeHTML.php on line 51 and defined

    Location: wp-content/plugins/autoptimize/classes/external/php/minify-html.php:69

    PHP Notice – Undefined variable: html

    Location: wp-content/plugins/autoptimize/classes/external/php/minify-html.php:71


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  • Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    well, it’s a notice, not an error and not even a warning, so no big issue, HTML minification works OK despite it. but i’ll try to see if I can make that disappear anyhow ??


    Thread Starter tuccimane



    Sorry! Just thought I’d post them here for your use if they are meaningful.

    I only read the log as “PHP Errors”

    And then it listed “Php warnings” and “Php Notices”.

    Having a ton of trouble right now accessing my admin (500 errors like crazy) and I saw that and didn’t attribute it to my issues but thought you would appreciate the info.

    As a side note, your plugin + super cache has my actual site in a wonderful speedy zip land of fastness. As for the admin, well, hopefully it’s just something simple like PHP 5.3.x needs to be upgraded or something, because turning off theme and plugins isn’t even getting me in nowadays >.<

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    no need to apologize tuccimane; one notice is one notice too many! ??

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    ok, so as far as a fix is concerned, could you open up wp-content/plugins/autoptimize/classes/autoptimizeHTML.php and on line 51 change

    if (@is_callable(array(new Minify_HTML,"minify"))) {


    if (@is_callable(array("Minify_HTML","minify"))) {

    and see if that makes the problem go away? ??


    Thread Starter tuccimane


    Hey Frank,

    I got back into my admin finally.

    I had changed this piece of code in preparation for that, and after bouncing around a bit with Query Monitor on, I am no longer seeing those notices.

    I don’t expect you to know, but maybe you can point me in the direction of a plugin you know works (an author friend perhaps? :p)…

    After accessing myPHPadmin and removing TONS of old wp_options, wp_postmeta, etc AND noticing that my ‘home’ url ended with a ‘/’ (and removing it of course) that’s when I was able to access the admin without 500 errors again…

    It was still very slow, but somewhat faster than before. I ended up uninstalling the Query Monitor because I wasn’t seeing anything too interesting anymore, but then I installed WP SERVER STATS.

    And now I am seeing the issue I think… Anywhere from 60-90% CPU Load on average.

    And when I’m watching the “real time” bar, it spikes randomly from sitting dormant at about 35% to up to 90% again, and that’s just sitting on the dashboard page after logging in.

    Crazy stuff, not sure how this is happening but it explains a lot. Memory was never an issue, it’s been a CPU Load issue all along that’s just dragging the admin panel into the ground. Your plugin and Super Cache are keeping the front end of the site like lightning, but loading my own site pages while logged in is terrifyingly slow as well (Super Cache not loading cached pages for logged in users obviously so I’m getting the ‘real’ speed and CPU Load of things when I’m logged in).

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    And when I’m watching the “real time” bar, it spikes randomly from sitting dormant at about 35% to up to 90% again, and that’s just sitting on the dashboard page after logging in.

    well, watching “real time” stuff will in itself cause CPU-load … all depends on your hosting. are you on a shared server or on a VPS or … are you on linux or windows? do you have access to the server? do you have cpanel or some other management tool?

    I, for example, am on a Linux VPS with command line access, so I can log in and run the top command to see server load. when you have access to cPanel, you can look at graphs about CPU usage as well.

    hope this helps,

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