• Resolved cfcnet


    I was wondering if I could pull in the author name from the

    <script data-cfasync=”false” type=”text/javascript”>
    dataLayer.push({“pagePostAuthor”:”David Wells”});

    in the same way you can set up a DOM in GTM and pull in some meta from

    <meta property=”article:published_time” content=”2016-06-15T09:47:02+01:00″ />



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  • Plugin Author Thomas Geiger



    Since WordPress websites always include jQuery, you could create a custom JS variable to get this value:

    function() {
      return jQuery("meta[property='article:published_time']").attr("content");


    Thread Starter cfcnet


    Hi there
    How would I pull out this property?

    Cheers in advance

    Plugin Author Thomas Geiger


    Here you can see a detailed explanation for this:

    Thread Starter cfcnet


    Hi there
    That works brilliantly.

    However my structured data is appearing below the </HTML> tag
    So I can’t see it, unless I’m testing the page within the structured test tool.

    Any ideas?

    Cheers in advance.


    Plugin Author Thomas Geiger


    Hi Peter,

    The Structured Testing Tools is really out of my scope, I am not an SEO expert and I rarely have to setup such tags. I am so sorry but I can not help with this ??


    Thread Starter cfcnet


    i was just wondering where about’s in the page code does the structured data normally appear? Have you got an example of a site using your plugin?


    Plugin Author Thomas Geiger


    Hi Peter,

    Sorry, I can not give you an example, I had one case in the past but I can’t find it which one it was.


    Thread Starter cfcnet


    The question I have is, does your plugin add the structured data after the </html>?

    Plugin Author Thomas Geiger


    My plugin does not add any structured data to your page. If you experience such coded this must be done either by another plugin or by a tag in your GTM container

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