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  • Plugin Author Getty Images


    Thanks for calling this out as something that would be important to you, Richard. We’ve got a backlog of urgent and semi-urgent fixes to address in the next few months, but once those are taken care of, we’d love to come back around to improvements and the next iteration of the plugin.

    As we consider the potential of setting embeds as a featured image, it’d be helpful to know more about which theme(s) you’re using so that we know what sort of dimensions you’re working with. Can you share more details?

    Thank you for your feedback, and thanks for using the plugin!


    Like Richard I think that would be great to be able to use getty image as featured image. The process to post a new article would be much much easier.

    I use mostly divi theme from elegant themes.
    Thanks anyway for your plugin which is really well done

    Plugin Author Getty Images


    Thank you for your input and weighing in, Laurent. We are certainly weighing the options, and understanding the impact is helpful.

    With the divi theme, it looked like there were a couple options for sliders, full width vs. not. Do you happen to have the pixel dimensions (especially pixel width) for the images you’re using as featured images? That’d help us a lot.

    Thanks again and have a great weekend!

    Is this a serious question, Getty Images? It doesn’t matter what themes people are using. There are so many different themes that your approach to the problem will never work.

    You need to hire someone who understands WordPress. Your plugin need not be concerned with resizing, scaling, etc. Just make it so the absolute largest dimension available image in your library is (1) uploaded into the media library, and (2) set as the featured image for the post. Not hard!

    Any good WordPress theme automatically handles the resizing, scaling, etc. You need not be concerned with it. All other plugins similar to yours have the ability to add the image as the featured image. Adding this functionality to your plugin would take 2 or 3 hours for an experienced PHP coder. Get with it or keep losing money!

    This is a huge feature to a lot of blogs. In fact you would see your plugin install rate grow because of this feature. It would also stop people from embedding than downloading image and than placing it as a featured image breaking your embed rules. Please get on this quickly or you might lose the steam you guys are building with this great plugin.

    Plugin Author Getty Images


    It’s great to hear from everyone about how much of a difference this would make. As we consider this option, we have to consider 1) the size of the photo because of it’s larger resolution, and 2) how we protect our photographers’ rights in this expanded format.

    Thanks for your understanding, and definitely stay tuned! It’s great to validate how important this functionality would be to our users.

    Your product is completely worthless to 99% of WordPress users without allowing us to embed the images as a Featured Post.


    It is like allowing someone to use your toilet, but you don’t have any toilet paper, that is what you have created. And we are left to having to figure out how to wipe ourselves. It isn’t pretty.

    Please fix!!!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by yolo.

    I am glad to have found this plugin. I run multiple sports related sites for clients who are closely associated with the players and teams. I like being able to offer them the ability to embed images from today’s games into their posts, legitimately.

    Like everyone else, the ability to use these images for a featured images would greatly increase the usability of this plugin.

    Please let us know if you need any additional, actually useful feedback. I know I would be happy to test any new features.

    Plugin Author Getty Images


    Thanks for chiming in, kicksave20. And omg1, we hear you on how important the featured image would be!

    For those who haven’t used this path yet, you can switch to the Getty Images Customer to license an image to use as a featured image. Simply click the Go to Customer Login in the upper-right corner of the Getty Images plugin window. If you don’t have an account, you can sign up at

    I’ll close this thread and post any product announcements regarding featured images on a new thread if we can make that option available through Embed.

    kicksave20, we’d love to hear any additional feedback (workflow improvements you’d like to see, UI improvements, etc) to make your life easier. Feel free to open a new post with your wishlist!

    Thanks again everyone!

    “…you can switch to the Getty Images Customer to license an image to use as a featured image”

    @getty-images HAHAHAHAHAHAH your funny, your Editorial photos are FREE with your embedded feature but for me to purchase those editorial photos they are $450 + PER PHOTO.

    I see how this racket works, you tell people to use the “FREE” embed images but they have to spend $450 for a featured image. WORTHLESS, W-O-R-T-H-L-E-S-S, WORTH-LESS. Total garbage answer, bait and switch for anyone with a blog.

    Is there any update on this Getty Images?

    Like many others, the embed feature is largely useless without the ability to use the photos in a featured post.

    Plugin Author Getty Images


    @austinforever – thanks for the note. We certainly understand the value of this feature and it is definitely still on our roadmap to explore. We’ll be looking more closely at updates to the plugin in the next few weeks. The embedded images are iframes which complicates the featured image request. We’re looking into some potential options though.

    In the meantime, if there are any other additional features or changes that would make the plugin easier to use or more valuable, please feel free to reach out.

    Chiming in here to add another voice for the need for featured images in this plugin’s functionality. Full disclosure, I made this request to Getty years ago via direct support/suggestion, I’m surprised the wisdom of this change has not been absorbed by the team at Getty yet.

    You’re doing a massive disservice to your photographers by not making this possible. You’re also contributing the overwhelming insult to the culture more broadly that is comprised of the paralyzing proliferation of content pollution – helping to celebrate bad content produced by amateurs at the expense of professionals image makers.

    Granted, many (most) of the publishers who would like to use your images in their websites are equally responsible for this problem, but imagine if they had high quality assets to share with their fledgling efforts? At the very least, the imagery the world is consuming would be produced by people who know what they’re doing, and all of us would benefit from that.

    To take this critique to its greatest extent, many of the world’s most pressing problems arguably stem from the fact that professional purveyors of public discourse have been diminished by the ease of access to content production. Karl Marx be damned, the means of production is ubiquitous! Sadly, talent and skill (and access) is not.

    Getty has an opportunity (responsibility?) to enable more democratic access to high quality cultural artifacts produced by the greatest talent in the world – that is the ethical purpose of your service. This small change could exponentially amplify the reach of your talent, improve the culture for all consumers of information, and (the no-brainer) could maximize your bottom line results! Few better examples of win-win in the business of technology and culture exist! How is this not a high priority for you guys?

    How does it improve your bottom line, you wonder? Not by seducing small-time publishers to become customers (99% won’t) but by increasing the number of impressions received by the brand. There is a well established principle in psychology known as the “mere exposure effect.” Google it.

    How many millions of additional impressions of the Getty brand would be served by this? And we’re talking millions per day, if not per hour and minute!

    Also, think of digital sampling in music – when an artists uses a sampled song in a pop hit, sales for the sampled song itself increase!

    Imagine, if your plugin was properly designed, not only would Getty get gazillions of impressions shared by millions of amateur publishers (at no cost to you, FFS), but the reader/consumer could click the image and be taken directly to a landing page where, with the click of a button, they could actually purchase rights to the image, or if you were savvy about it, order a framed print!

    Give me a break, Getty. Who runs the show over there? Why are your business leaders costing the company millions of dollars in additional revenue for what should cost no more than $20k of a skilled developers time and expertise?? This is a profit center in waiting!

    You can take this bit of advice for free. For everyone else reading this thread, because we know Getty has their head buried too deep in the sand to make this innovation anytime soon, I offer you some advice as well. Find free high quality stock images at any of the following websites:

    Stock Up: Best free stock photo websites in one place.
    Pexels: Best free photos in one place.
    All The Free Stock: Free stock images, icons, and videos.
    Unsplash: Free (do whatever you want) high-resolution photos.
    Splashbase: Search & discover free, hi res photos & videos.
    Startup Stock Photos: Go. Make something.
    Jay Mantri: Free pics. do anything (CC0). Make magic.
    Moveast: This is a journey of a portuguese guy moving east.
    Travel Coffee Book: Sharing beautiful travel moments.
    Designers Pics: Free photographs for your personal & commercial use.
    Death to the Stock Photo: Free photos sent to you every month.
    Foodie’s Feed: Free food pictures in hi-res.
    Mazwai: Free creative commons HD video clips & footages.
    Jéshoots: New modern free photos.
    Super Famous: Photos by Dutch interaction designer Folkert Gorter.
    Picography: Free hi-resolution photos.
    Pixabay: Free high quality images.
    Magdeleine: A free high-resolution photo every day.
    Snapographic: Free stock photos for personal & commercial use.
    Little Visuals: 7 hi-res images in your inbox every 7 days.
    Splitshire: Delicious free stock photos.
    New Old Stock: Vintage photos from the public archives.
    Picjumbo: Totally free photos.
    Life of Pix: Free high-resolution photos.
    Gratisography: Free high-resolution photos.
    Getrefe: Free photos.
    IM Free: A curated collection of free resources.
    Cupcake: A photographer’s treat by Jonas Nilsson Lee.
    The Pattern Library: Free patterns for your projects.
    Public Domain Archive: New 100% free stock photos.
    ISO Republic: High-quality, free photos for creatives.
    Stokpic: Totally free photos.
    Kaboompics: The best way to get free photos.
    Function: Free photo packs.
    MMT: Free stock photos by Jeffrey Betts.
    Paul Jarvis: Free high-resolution photos.
    Lock & Stock Photos: Free stock photos for you.
    Raumrot: Free high-resolution picture.
    Bucketlistly: A free creative common collection of travel photos.
    Some more websites: Free Digital Photos | Morguefile | Public Domain Pictures | Stockvault | ImageFree | Rgbstock | Dreamstime | Free Images | Free Range Stock | Free Photos Bank.

    List courtesy of TNW. Plenty of other free assets at the article, worth a visit to peruse.

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