• Hi,

    I will be glad to hear from all of you, AsideShop users:

    Which new features would you like to see in future AsideShop releases?


    Raimonds, creator of AS.

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  • It has been already asked in another thread but I’d like to join that request: make the aside posts to use their spec template in the archives, too.

    Thread Starter maijs



    Thanks, will check it out!

    Not sure if anyone’s asked this before, but I’d really like to be able to insert PHP into the AsideShop template box, please. ??

    For example, I wanted to display the category, as well as an “edit” link on each post.

    The code I’d like to add is:

    <?php the_category(', ') ?>
    <?php edit_post_link('(Edit)', '', ''); ?>

    Thread Starter maijs



    Thanks for the idea!

    The problem with categories might be that it would be impossible to specify the delimeter between the categories as AsideShop tags do not take arguments for now. As soon as it’s implemented, I see no obstacles to have all kind of new tags and additional functiotnality to existing tags.

    No worries – I think the comma that separates the categories might be the default, anyway (it is for tags, at least).

    If a user had something like ExecPHP or runPHP installed, inserting straight PHP into AsideShop would be nice, as it’s quite open-ended. ??

    It would be nice to put something like a collor picker for the background of the Aside, or something like that, (it might be complicated, I dont know), or a function that allows to put an image before the Aside.

    It would be good too, for new AsideShop users, that the plugin came with a default template, like

    <div class="post">
    %post_content% [<a href="%comments_url%">%comment_count%</a>] - <a href="%post_permalink%">#</a>

    And a Preview of the templates.

    Just wishes! I hope some of this, or others new improvements will be in the next release. See you!

    Thread Starter maijs



    Thanks for the tip! I was thinking about default template and it’s really a good idea!

    As for color picker – I don’t think it’s going to be implemented as it’s up to the user to do the styling. Yes, it’s manual process, but keeps it simple.

    Yeah, you’re right about the styling.

    ?The other thing… thanks for considering!

    Oh, and one more thing. Does the plugins have tables? I mean, if I install a new version of the plugin, the templates and everything goes away?



    Thread Starter maijs



    No, AsideShop does not create tables within the database. It uses the same option storage means as any other settings in your WordPress.

    I really like AsideShop because it’s so foundational, ie. like RSS is foundational; simple but capable of many things; adaptable.

    For example, aside from normal posts, I want an online scrapbook, which means I want Tumblr styling. Quotes are the best example, and the first thing I used AsideShop for. I tried several WP Tumblelog plugins, first, but they didn’t do what I wanted and seemed impossible to restyle; they made it easy for beginners, but difficult if you knew a bit of code. AsideShop makes it easy if you know a bit of code.

    One idea I might raise is exploring some method of sharing templates. Sharing templates is probably limited by inline CSS, but it makes life simpler for beginners, and those that know a little code can move the CSS to their stylesheets. That’s one option.

    Since it seems so foundational, I’m very curious what other purposes people have put AsideShop to. I stumbled across AsideShop looking for a way to split my posts so one topic ran down one column on the main page, and the off-topic, scrapbook posts ran down another column. I’ve found sideblog plugins, but they assume too much and are too difficult to mod.

    Thread Starter maijs



    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas!

    Indeed, sharing templates are limited to a) inline styling and b) the theme blogger is using. Therefore templates in AsideShop are meant to be handcrafted since what works for one in one theme, wouldn’t work as expected for another in different theme. And this would lead to more of confusion rather than solution. As you can see in development version, I’ve included default aside template, which is pretty straight forward – post content and number of comments. I think that’d be enought to new users unfamiliar with HTML to start doing asides.

    Just installed the new version of AsideShop. Love the addition of the ability to show the formatting on a variety of page types (i.e. archive pages, etc.).


    • Ability to preserve formatting on permalink pages (maybe with the ability to spec a custom permalink page style as well i.e. a style for video posts and a style for the permalink page for video posts)
    • Ability to show tags and categories on the formatted post (I know this has been mentioned but I just thought I would add my name to the list =-) )

    This plug-in was an awesome find. Thanks for all the hard work.

    I’ve installed the new version! Pretty nice new things!

    And thank you for including me in the changelog =D

    Thread Starter maijs



    1. Didn’t really understand your saying about formatting of permanent pages.
    2. Will do for the next version – tags and categories separated by a comma.


    1. Didn’t really understand your saying about formatting of permanent pages.

    If I create a look for a certain kind of post (for instance for my link posts, which are given a solid color background as well as a “cut-out” background image placed in the upper left) …

    … but …

    In fact the permalink page is the only place it is now impossible to implement a custom look as it defaults back to the standard post look of one’s chosen theme.

    Would it be possible, in some future version of AsideShop, to retain the distinctive look I give to any particular type of post even on the permalink page?

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