• Resolved Radu



    I usually respond here and help out, but today I need your help. In all my years of WordPress, I haven’t encountered this problem, and I can’t seem to fix it properly.

    So, today I logged in on a website I’m working on, and the Dashboard went crazy. It could be related to the 4.5.3 update, since I didn’t work on it after the update; otherwise, I don’t know what happened. It broke itself or something. The site (front-end) works fine.

    Here’s how it looks and the errors – https://i.imgur.com/3sW8BCX.png

    What did I do:

    • Disabled all plugins – didn’t solve the issue;
    • Switched to another theme – didn’t solve the issue;
    • Downloaded WordPress and compared the files from the error list with the ones from the WordPress download – the lines are the same;
    • Replaced those files with the ones from the new WordPress download – didn’t solve the issue;
    • Reinstalled WordPress from the Dashboard – didn’t solve the issue;
    • Checked the error log from cPanel – no errors;
    • Finally, I added this in wp-config.php: define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true); – this solves the issue (that’s why I could reinstall WordPress from my Dashboard).

    So, the last solution worked. All the errors disappeared and everything works fine. If I remove it, the “party” starts again, of course.

    Does anyone have some new ideas on fixing this, or what could cause it? I mean, I could just leave define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true);, but I’d like to properly fix those issues; it bugs me that it doesn’t work as it’s supposed to.

    I can’t really provide you the URL to the website, since it’s still under development and has a Coming Soon page, and the owner already posted it on several places, so I don’t want the visitors to see the “mess” inside it. But the front-end works anyway, so there’s nothing to check out, I believe.

    Any ideas would be appreciated!

    Thank you!

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  • Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    enable wp_debug and wp_debug_log, per the codex.

    Also, check the console from your browser’s inspector. It looks like the admin CSS is not getting loaded — you should see that, but what else?

    Thread Starter Radu


    Hello and thank you for your reply!

    I enabled those and here’s what I got from the log (they are translated, because I have WordPress in another language on that website):

    01-Jul-2016 20:58:25 UTC] PHP Notice: The constructor method called for in tee_class_contact_widget WP_Widget is deprecated from version 4.3.0! Instead use
    <pre> __ construct () </ pre>. /home/globogol/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php online in 3718
    [01-Jul-2016 20:58:25 UTC] PHP Notice: The constructor method called for in tee_class_event_widget WP_Widget is deprecated from version 4.3.0! Instead use </pre>
    <pre> __ construct () </ pre>. /home/globogol/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php online in 3718</pre>

    This is the line 3718: $class, $parent_class, $version, '<pre>__construct()</pre>' ) );

    And I checked Chrome Console. Isn’t the one in the image I provided the proper one?

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    I can’t read the text on the image you posted.

    Anyhow, those are warnings, not hard errors. There’s no 404 for any CSS files?

    Thread Starter Radu


    The text/links on the left are just the Dashboard links: Plugins, Settings, Pages, Media, etc. And also some custom posts type.

    Looked deeper in Mozilla for CSS errors and they’re pretty much like these:

    Unknown property 'speak'.  Declaration dropped. backwpup.min.css:1:568
    Unknown property '-moz-osx-font-smoothing'.  Declaration dropped. backwpup.min.css:1:669
    Expected 'none', URL, or filter function but found 'alpha('.  Error in parsing value for 'filter'.  Declaration dropped. thickbox.css:4:9
    Expected 'none', URL, or filter function but found 'alpha('.  Error in parsing value for 'filter'.  Declaration dropped. thickbox.css:113:9
    Unknown property 'speak'.  Declaration dropped. thickbox.css:139:6
    Unknown property '-moz-osx-font-smoothing'.  Declaration dropped. thickbox.css:141:24
    Unknown property 'speak'.  Declaration dropped. wpseo-dismissible-330.min.css:1:215
    Unknown property 'speak'.  Declaration dropped. icon-fonts.css:24:6
    Expected ',' or '{' but found '%'.  Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. load-styles.php:1:7
    Found unclosed string ''m3???a????W?????\1f ?<l????\10 ?m\1e ?????k?[??\1c ?#??xD???q;??????wO\16 ???7??<???m~??M????????\7f ?S?\1b ???\1f c???\8 ?O?T8\8 \1f \7f N?*\8 ???+?c???/?\1c N??????G???\1 B\18 ?k?c???x+?\1f ?<\7f |t\14 \e ?*H&?.??o?>??k?+??\8 l????3Y\12 ?s˙Rp?:?B????/?T\1f \7f '.  Found unclosed string ''????<??'.  Found unclosed string '"[\'yg??T?p}1???\10 ?\e ?
    ?\12 ?Du?Io???M?????? ??K?tX\11 rC?B)\1b ??????\11 ??=?S??\4 ?\19 ?vc??'.  Found unclosed string '"f:?DgeZ?k?d3o'.  Found unclosed string '"?L?b?N??z???8!?y??X?v^?;?u?й\18 \7f \e ?bbj??6???r??k???C?Y'.  Found unclosed string ''!?V??+??Hj?\9 ?V^z{????\14 ?^?\13 ?bFln?-q[?? ??g\4 ?\19 Q???x??\7f 5U/????z\1f ????xolg?\13 ??p??\4 u???4?.?tLP\13 ??????@G?B|U?_?\1b ???'.  Found unclosed string '"ckk??\1b ?U??NK???'.  Found unclosed string ''N??e\13 \17 g??\12 ?N?O??\16 Oo?[????\19 )c??N?.???%cR?]>痙\1d J????\15 q??R????_Q??=?7?u??\1d V???+?2\18 ?%?HD??\14 \16 ????\7 \19 g\11 ???S\19 ?M?r?J!c\1d \1e ?D?di??G?xvd?\2 ?\b ?R?{{ load-styles.php:2:60
    Unknown property 'speak'.  Declaration dropped. plugins.php:74:15
    Unknown property '-moz-osx-font-smoothing'.  Declaration dropped. plugins.php:80:33
    downloadable font: OS/2: bad linegap: -64 (font-family: "backwpup" style:normal weight:normal stretch:normal src index:1) source: https://globogolf.ro/wp-content/plugins/backwpup/assets/fonts/backwpup.ttf backwpup.min.css:1:11
    downloadable font: OS/2: bad linegap: -64 (font-family: "envato" style:normal weight:normal stretch:normal src index:1) source: https://globogolf.ro/wp-content/plugins/envato-wordpress-toolkit-master/assets/fonts/envato.woff?20141121 plugins.php:61:20

    All of them have a blue triangle, except the last two, which have a red-ish background. Sorry, but I don’t know development stuff :). In cases like this, I associate red with trouble :D. Anyway, the last two are fonts from a couple of plugins, but I disabled them, so…

    I checked for CSS errors using Mozilla, like this – https://i.imgur.com/rdVZ4rS.png. Hope that’s correct.

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    os/2???? ??

    I’m wondering if just reinstalling WP 4.5.3 would help.

    Download a copy from www.ads-software.com, unzip, and ftp it up. Maybe it’s just a missing or corrupt file.

    Thread Starter Radu


    What’s with os/2? ??

    I already performed a reinstall from Dashboard -> Updates -> Re-install Now, or that won’t do the trick?

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    That should have done the same thing.

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    Where are you hosting? We are suspecting it might have something to do with cache, either on your server, in your browser, or somewhere in between.

    Also, please post a link to your site.

    Thread Starter Radu


    It’s a local hosting, and by local I mean country based. I’m not using any caching plugin until I’m finished with the site. I tried different browsers and deleted all the cache.

    I’ll talk to the hosting company when I’ll wake up; tell them to clear the cache or something. I’ll let you know.

    https://globogolf.ro. This is the site, but, like I said, I can’t disable the “Coming Soon” plugin, since the owner already advertised the website up front, so I can’t let users browse the site when it’s half done and “messy”. I mean, I could disable it for like 5 minutes, if we can synchronize :), but not over night or for a long time.

    Checked the front-end for any errors, but only got one os/2 thingy for a font. But the front-end works fine anyway, the back-end is the one with problems.

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    OK, ask them if they’re using varnish, memcache, redis, or stuff like that.

    Thread Starter Radu



    They said that they only have an LSCACHE, which can only be activated through the LiteSpeed Cache plugin – https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/litespeed-cache/, and even if I have used that, it’s got nothing to do with the problem.

    They also said that there’s a problem with the concatenation of JS files from the admin interface, which randomly appears on different sites and different hosts.

    Therefore, they gave me this code to add in wp-config.php: define( 'CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false );. It worked. Guess I’ll leave that there and hope for the problem never to appear again.

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    Cool! I’m glad it got worked out.

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