• I’m on AI1EC 2.5.6 and really struggling understand why switching calendar views on the front end is not behaving correctly on the site I’m developing. I’ve tested for theme and plugin conflicts and still get the same behaviour.

    I’m running my own custom calendar theme which is displaying correctly when the page first loads, but switching to other views it seems to revert to the default templates instead of using my overrides. My templates have no permalinks as I don’t need them.

    Example of this happening here – sehco.codeth.co.uk/calendar

    You should see it loads my template fine initially in Stream view, then if you switch to Month or Week the links are present (they shouldn’t be), and switch back to Stream the links have returned (loading the default template again instead of mine). Any ideas?

    This is a really great plugin but I keep running into little bugs like this. You’ve resolved most of them over the past few weeks but this one is still hanging around for me and I don’t know what’s causing it.


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