I think you are misunderstanding….That IS the option. That’s exactly what a JavaScript FrameBreaker does – redirect.
So, if you want users to be redirected to your site when it gets framed, then use that option.
What I posted in the previous thread you referenced is still correct. If you follow that advice, and check the plugin docs and FAQs, it explains it in more detail.
Please see the FAQs:
Q: Can I set an option to just use the JavaScript Frame Breaker (redirect) and not use the X-Frame-Options HTTP header?
A: Yes, the option was added in version 1.1. Just check the option on the Settings page and click ‘Save Changes’.
An additional recommendation: You mentioned that you are using WordPress 3.8. It is really, really dangerous to run a version of WordPress that old, and it makes your site extremely vulnerable to hacking. For example, WordPress 3.8 has released over 2.5 years ago and has 28 known security vulnerabilities! For your site’s security, please upgrade as soon as possible. Also, WordPress code has changed a lot since then, and many plugins don’t support versions that old anymore.