SKU display (pt 2)
This is really in answer to this (now closed) post from 1yr ago or so (“how do you display the product SKU on the frontend?”) – sharing just in case it helps anyone else exploring iThemes Exchange and related plugins.
The quick answer is to use the it_exchange_add_product_sku_get_feature() function. It’s first parameter is unused, the second parameter should be the post ID of the product you’re interested in. Quick example:
function ix_single_products_sku() { $sku = it_exchange_add_product_sku_get_feature( null, get_the_ID() ); if ( ! empty( $sku ) ) print "<span class='sku'> $sku </span>"; } add_action( 'it_exchange_content_product_after_product_info_loop', 'ix_single_products_sku' );
The above would display the SKU right below the Buy Now button. Of course, you could also quite easily switch to a different action, such as:
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