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  • Thread Starter Prafulla Kumar Sahu


    I think it may be possible with https://localhost/mysite/questions/?user= not+user_name&filter=my-subscribes but how to make it !user_name and how to retrieve his own questions for which he has posted answer that will be a problem . again it seems multiple filters are not allowed . ??

    but again it seems
    https://localhost/mysite/question/?filter=my-subscribes&sort=answers is allowed

    Thread Starter Prafulla Kumar Sahu


    This can be done by applying filter

    and modifying the query and another way can be overriding

    add_action( 'dwqa_before_questions_list', array( $this, 'prepare_archive_posts' ) );

    but the first one is better and I would recommend .

    it will be

    add_filter( 'dwqa_prepare_archive_posts', function( $query ){
       //  return modified query
       $query =  array( 'post_type' => 'dwqa-question', 'post__in' => array( 2, 5, 12, 14, 20 ) )
       return $query;

    Plugin Author DesignWall


    Hi Prafulla Kumar Sahu,

    Thanks buddy. We do really appreciate your help.

    If there is any more issue with the DW Question & Answer, please do not hesitate to get back to us. It encourages us a lot.

    Thread Starter Prafulla Kumar Sahu


    I have already posted one or two question, it will great if you will guide me there.

    Plugin Author DesignWall


    Hi Prafulla Kumar Sahu,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. Please try this code below here

    add_filter( 'dwqa_prepare_archive_posts', 'dwqa_refilter_question' );
    function dwqa_refilter_question( $args ) {
     if ( isset( $_GET['filter'] ) && $_GET['filter'] == 'my-answer' ) {
      $user_id = get_current_user_id();
      $answer_args = array(
       'post_type' => 'dwqa-answer',
       'posts_per_page' => 5,
       'no_found_rows' => true,
       'update_post_term_cache' => false,
       'update_post_meta_cache' => false,
       'orderby' => 'date',
       'order' => 'DESC',
       'fields' => 'ids',
       'meta_key' => '_question',
       'author' => get_current_user_id()
      add_filter( 'posts_where', 'dwqa_answer_post_where' );
      add_filter( 'posts_clauses', 'dwqa_answer_posts_clauses' );
      add_filter( 'posts_distinct', 'dwqa_answer_post_distinct' );
      $questions = new WP_Query( $answer_args );
      remove_filter( 'posts_where', 'dwqa_answer_post_where' );
      remove_filter( 'posts_clauses', 'dwqa_answer_posts_clauses' );
      remove_filter( 'posts_distinct', 'dwqa_answer_post_distinct' );
      if ( $questions->have_posts() ) {
       $args['post__in'] = $questions->posts;
     return $args;
    function dwqa_answer_post_join( $join ) {
     global $wpdb;
     if ( isset( $_GET['filter'] ) && $_GET['filter'] == 'my-answer' ) {
      $join .= 'JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} ON {$wpdb->posts}.ID = {$wpdb->postmeta}.post_id ';
    function dwqa_answer_post_where( $where ) {
     global $wpdb;
     if ( isset( $_GET['filter'] ) && $_GET['filter'] == 'my-answer' ) {
      $user_id = get_current_user_id();
      $where .= " AND {$wpdb->postmeta}.meta_key = '_question' ";
     return $where;
    function dwqa_answer_posts_clauses( $clauses ) {
     global $wpdb;
     $clauses['fields'] = $wpdb->postmeta . '.meta_value';
     return $clauses;
    function dwqa_answer_post_distinct( $distinct ) {
     return "DISTINCT";
    Thread Starter Prafulla Kumar Sahu


    thank you so much for your reply, already done it. something like

    add_filter( 'dwqa_prepare_archive_posts', ' my_answered_by_user_function' );
      function my_answered_by_user_function( $query ){
        global $wp_query;
        if ( isset( $_GET['answers_of'] )  ){
          $answer_of = !empty( $_GET['answers_of'] ) ? $_GET['answers_of'] : 'all';
          unset( $args );
          $args = array( 'user' => $answer_of, 'posts_per_page' => -1 );
          $questions_answered = My_Class::my_dwqa_refilter_question( $args );
          $question_ids = array_unique( $questions_answered['post__in'] );
          $query = array( 'post_type' => 'dwqa-question', 'post__in' => $question_ids );
        return $query;

    but thinking to use your .

    Plugin Author DesignWall


    Hi Prafulla Kumar Sahu,

    Great to hear that.

    If there is any more issue with the DW Question & Answer, please do not hesitate to get back to us. It encourages us a lot.

    Thread Starter Prafulla Kumar Sahu


    good luck to you ??

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