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  • Hi there, there is an alpha version on Github that has the option do disable access for site admins. Right-click this link and choose “Save as…” to download the file. Then upload it via FTP to /wp-content/plugins/jetpack-module-control/ directory to overwrite the current plugin file. Or you could copy the complete content and paste it in the WordPress plugin editor, if you find that easier.

    Now there will be a new option on the Network Admin > Settings page to allow/disallow individual site owners (admins) control over the settings.

    Let me know if you find any issues with it ??

    RavanH – thank you for the time you’ve put in developing this plugin – we run a large multisite network that makes about 20% of jetpack’s modules redundant, so being able to keep them from being used was key (I know we can do it via code but this is much easier) – I’m curious, have standard admins always had the ability to override the superadmins settings? Seems like it would defeat the purpose of the plugin? I updated our network to the alpha version and everything seems to be working fine now, but was there something that changed recently? Just curious. Thank you for the alpha version – works great.

    Seems like it would defeat the purpose of the plugin?

    That depends. In your case, yes.

    The original idea was to give only Super Admins acces, both on the Network settings and on individual site settings. But some users asked specifically for the ability to let site admins have control… This can be useful for the options “Manual Control” and “Development mode”, not the black list which will probably be separated from the new “Sub-site Override” option in a later version.

    The plugin can also be used on single site installations, which makes it even more complicated. I try to cater for all use cases ??

    Hey – thanks for the response – i definitely get the attempt to cater to all. My main question was (and I guess I just never checked) when did admins begin to have the ability to override the super admin settings? Was it always like that and I just missed it?

    Thanks – I know from a multisite host this plugin is a lifesaver.

    A bug (or rather unintended side-effect) introduced in 1.4… that was 5 months ago. The development version you are using now will be released soon!

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