• Resolved Katharine


    I’ve been using Author Avatars for two years on an online literary magazine that has now 54 authors. You can see the site at https://settingForth.org. When I am in my WordPress dashboard, go to plugins and view details for Author Avatars, I see: “Warning: This plugin has not been tested with your current version of WordPress.” I can’t find another plugin that does this job and that has been tested for 4.5.3. Too much of the functionality on my site depends on Author Avatars for me simply to uninstall it. Now, what makes this problem a big one is that my WordPress dashboard has been loading very, very slowly lately–sometimes it takes as long as six minutes to load–and technical support at my ISP insists it is due to outdated plugins like Author Avatars. They keep insisting this even though I have disabled the plugin momentarily and still experienced extreme slowness. The only way I’m going to be able to get them to look further into the problem is to disable a lot of functionality on my site or … just maybe, update Author Avatars to a new version that is guaranteed to work with 4.5.3. Thanks for any information or help you can give me.


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