I10n theme transalation vs back and forth from 1 language to another
Hello there,
Was having an issue with my dynamic text not being tranlated when going back and forth form one language to another. The problem that I had is that the translation files were loaded prior to Polylang having a chance to update the cookie and setting it the proper language.
After a bit of troubleshooting and trying a few different options, I came up with the below to always set the locale from the url when loading the theme textdomain in function load_theme_textdomain() of I10n.
Add the following filter before load_child_theme_textdomain is being exectuted or load_theme_textdomain if you are creating your own theme.
add_filter('theme_locale', 'CHLD_FixLocale',1,2 ); function CHLD_FixLocale($currentLocale,$theme){ $uri = rtrim($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'/'); $urlparts = explode('/', $uri); $lastPartOfUrl = $urlparts[count($urlparts)-1]; $upperLastPart = strtoupper($lastPartOfUrl); if($upperLastPart == 'FR' || $upperLastPart == 'EN'){ $localeLang = substr($currentLocale, 0,2); if($upperLastPart == strtoupper($localeLang)){ return $currentLocale; } else { return $upperLastPart == 'FR' ? 'fr_FR' : 'en_US'; } } $postDb = new PostDb(); $id = $postDb->GetPostIdByName($lastPartOfUrl); if ( $id != null){ $db = new TermsDb(); $serialized = $db->GetObjectLanguage($id); $deserialized = unserialize($serialized); return $deserialized['locale']; } return $currentLocale; }
Here are the objects being called by the above function:
class TermsDb { public function GetObjectLanguage($objectId){ global $wpdb; $query = "SELECT tt.description FROM wp_term_taxonomy tt INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships tr ON tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id AND tt.taxonomy = 'language' WHERE tr.object_id = " . $objectId; $results = $wpdb->get_results($query); return $results[0]->description; } }
class PostDb { public function GetPostIdByName($postname){ global $wpdb; $query = "SELECT ID FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = '" . $postname . "'"; $results = $wpdb->get_results($query); if($results){ return $results[0]->ID; } else { return null; } } }
Now, I am no WordPress expert and I know that I could have used get_posts() to get to the db as opposed to going straight to the db, but hey, running out of time and since this is in my customized child theme, I took the right to do it that way:)
Anyhow, not sure if this can be made more generic and incorporated into the polylang plugin or if there is a more elegant way of doing this, but this problem costed me quite a few hours of troubleshooting and I felt that it might be worth mentioning:)
You can try it on wformation.com
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