• Hi i got this error when
    redirect from checkout to payment gateway

    Not Acceptable!

    An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.

    try to add filter in .htaccess file wp-admin folder

    <IfModule mod_security.c>
    SecFilterEngine Off
    SecFilterScanPOST Off

    but none effect

    help me out where is error !

    thanks !


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  • Caleb Burks


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    What is the requested resource that can’t be found? Is this issue coming from WooCommerce core or another plugin?

    If it’s the jQuery.cookie.js script, then the issue is due to you having an outdated mod security rule set: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/jquery-cookie-fails-to-load/

    Otherwise, try temporarily switching back to the WordPress Twenty Sixteen Theme, or Storefront, and disable all plugins except for WooCommerce. If that resolves the issue, then slowly re-enable features until you find the one that’s causing the conflict.


    Go to > cpanel > Security > Modsecurity

    and then disable mode security.

    It’s true.
    With mod_security disabled the “Error: Not Acceptable” not appears anymore.

    @timwhitlock I think you should try figure out a way to Loco Translate to works with mod_security enabled because is an very important security component.

    I cant find modsecurity please healp me

    Some hosts hide the mod-security setting from their customers as a security measure. Put in a ticket to your host’s support service. If you explain your problem to them, they may be able to modify the mod-security rules for you rather than disable it altogether. Its a good security feature to have.

    but they cant understand my modesecurity problem

    I’m having this same error message. I went to Control Panel and searched “modsecurity” and “Mod_Security” and got no results so I can’t seem to disable it. I can’t log in to post on my blog. Any other ideas?

    “ModSecurity” is in the Security section in cpanel. If its not there for you, ask your host’s tech support team about it.

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