• Resolved victor50g


    Hi, I installed IQ block country on my site and for a long time wondered if it was not functioning well because I still saw traffic from blocked countries in the stats. I discovered that there is a log and those IP addresses show as blocked. Is there any way to exclude them from the stats?


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  • Plugin Author Jason Crouse


    Hi Victor,

    that might be happening because our tracking code is called quite early in the chain of events that lead to the output of your web page. You can add exclusions under Slimstat > Settings > Filters.


    Thread Starter victor50g


    Hi Jason,

    Any suggestion on what I should add as a filter? Listing every individual IP is not really an option. I use the IP Filter plugin too and for some time have been adding IP’s or ranges there, especially from places outside the countries I blocked (US, Germany) that somehow visit my site after a tweet. That helps, they don’t show up in the stats. So for me the best solution would be if stats does it work after block country, as it does now for IP Filter.

    Plugin Author Jason Crouse


    You can block IP ranges, using the CIDR notation:


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