• Resolved detroitlionspodcast


    We do a weekly podcast, and have for over a year now. I always have the same workflow for launching a new episode (usually about 2 am local time):

    -> Create a wordpress post
    -> validate the url in the powerpress portion of the post
    -> publish

    iTunes has always picked up the new podcast by the following morning, and certainly before noon. Last week, and now this week, iTunes is not refreshing and picking up our feed like it used to do every time we launched a new episode. Those who are subscribed can download the podcast immediately via their apps, but those searching iTunes don’t see the latest episode. Additionally, we have a competitive podcast who has started releasing on the same day as us (but they don’t release until later in the morning) and their podcast is picked up and trending in search where ours doesn’t even appear.

    I have gone into the Podcasts Connect page for iTunes and manually refreshed both this week and last (on the afternoon after launching the podcast and seeing the issue), after doing so iTunes picks it up. Both times, the last refresh iTunes had performed was prior to the release of our podcast.

    Can someone help me understand what has changed? Why does their podcast (which has not only started posting the same day, but changed their name so they have two out of the three words of our podcast’s name in theirs) which posts a few hours later get picked up by iTunes and ours no longer does? Also, the downloads that we have prior to getting picked up in search don’t show on our “popularity meter” in iTunes because evidently it isn’t counting downloads yet. This really hurts our placement, and is particularly bad as our busiest and most competitive time is *right now*.

    Any help would be appreciated, I don’t want to have to add refreshing my iTunes feed on Podcasts Connect to my workflow every time we launch a podcast. It used to work awesome.

    Website: https://DetroitLionsPodcast.com
    Feed URL: https://www.detroitlionspodcast.com/feed/podcast/



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  • Plugin Support Shawn


    If you have any caching plugins activated, check and see if they’re keeping your RSS feed from updating right away. If they are, turn them off.

    I ran your feed thru a couple validators and everything came up fine. So, there shouldn’t be any technical issues with your feed.

    Overall, the iTunes Store can be flaky and unpredictable and there’s very little you can do to alter its behavior. Apple has been doing a lot of work on it lately and that seems to have only exacerbated the situation. You can always try contacting iTunes support to see if there’s something going on with your feed we’re not seeing:

    Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the bubble under “Ask us anything” to send them an e-mail.

    Thread Starter detroitlionspodcast


    Alright, thank you. In the meantime I’ll add the “manual refresh” to my workflow.

    One thing, there have been no updates or changes recently to the WP Super Cache plugin I use, so that shouldn’t be introducing any issues.

    Is it always a “pull” by iTunes, or is there a mechanism that pushes the updated feed to them?

    It feels like something has changed somewhere along the way here, my episode length no longer auto populates when I verify my media links in the WordPress post (I’ve been manually having to enter it) and now this. Frustrating.

    Thanks for the guidance.

    Plugin Support Shawn


    There’s no way to ping iTunes when you publish a new episode. Their algorithm refreshes your feed on its own schedule.

    If PowerPress isn’t able to automatically get your episode length that means it’s having trouble reading the header information in your media file. There are two possible explanations for this:
    1.) Your hosting server isn’t properly configured to receive header requests.
    2.) The file size of your embedded artwork is too big. Note: I’m talking about the size of the file in MB, not the image size in pixels. It’s best to keep the embedded image file in your ID3 tags under 1.5MB, so it doesn’t take up too much space in the file’s header. Keep in mind that the 3000px square recommendation for iTunes art applies to your RSS feed only. The image file you embed into your media files can be as small as 600px square (much smaller file size) and still work fine. You may want to do some experimenting there and see if you can get your embedded image file down to a smaller size. I took a look at the most recent media file in your feed:
    And the embedded artwork file is 3.2MB. Make it smaller in the future and if PowerPress still has trouble automatically getting the length information from your files, you may want to check with your web hosting provider to ensure they’ve got things set up properly for header requests.

    Thread Starter detroitlionspodcast


    This is fantastic info, thank you so much, Shawn, for taking the time to assist. I will go make some adjustments to the image and see if that helps.

    Again, thanks for the help, its great to have such a fantastic resource available!

    Plugin Support Shawn


    You’re welcome! I hope your situations with the iTunes Store listing improves.

    If you’ve found the support we’ve provided here to be of value, please consider leaving a review for PowerPress:
    These reviews help us with future development of the plugin, and we’d really appreciate it!

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