• Resolved lswcc


    Here’s my problem I installed some plugins and they were all installed successfull (that I know of). When I go to my website on the left side bar I see Pages, Categories and Archives and a banner I inserted (under Archives). Now that part is fine. When I go to my admin widgets section I see the list of plugins. They say Add next to them. But here’s where the problem comes in… After I hit add to any of those plugins I then go to my site to look at it. And I see it on the left side but then the Pages, Categories, Archives and banner I inserted disapear. Why? Am I doing something wrong? I’d like the widgets to add without the Pages, Categories and Archives boxes disappearing. Anyone can help email me webdesigning@comcast.net or reply here

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  • Replies should bekept HERE for the benefit of everyone on the forum with this problem. It’s up to YOU to check this thread to see if there are any useful replies. It’s been that way in Usenet for years and this forum is no different.

    The way widgets work is basically either/or. Either you have widgets on your sidebars or you have the hand-coded sidebar content.

    BUT .. you can change that if you are so inclined. In your sidebar.php file, find this, at the bottom, before the closing </ul>:
    <?php endif; ?>

    Put anything that you want to stay on the sidebar, regardless of whatever plugins you choose, UNDER that piece of code and they’ll display AFTER the widgets you have selected.

    Thread Starter lswcc


    sorry about that I didnt realize it. disregard my email and just post here so we all can learn. Thanks I’ll try that hope it works. If not i’ll be back lol

    Thread Starter lswcc


    ok I did it. I inserted my code for the banner where you said and then I went to widgets and hit add. And now I do see the plugin and the banner. But now my box for pages, categories and archives disappeared? It was on the left side and those are gone only thing I see now since I added the widget plugin is the plugin and the banner. ??

    Thread Starter lswcc


    ok nevermind, I got it now duh! Even though it showed page, archives and categories before I inserted other plugin widgets. After i did insert first plug widget I then had to go add widgets for those also the categories, archives and others. Thanks i resolved it

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Most themes are designed with a default set of stuff in the sidebar. If you use widgets for the sidebar, then these replace that default set entirely. You will want to recreate the existing sidebar using the built in widgets.

    Some newer themes don’t include a sidebar default set, just letting the user put in widgets. These are simpler to understand and less confusing.

    Thread Starter lswcc


    yup thats what happened! Thanks Otto42 I was about 2 seconds ahead of ya. But now I got it thanks so much


    This sounds like I might be able to figure out a similar work around, but I’m a newbie to all this and need some clarification… I’m also having a disappearing widgets issue.

    These are the widgets I have (those with “Add” I haven’t activated yet)…

    Global Translator
    HP-Buttons Add
    Popularity Lists 1
    Random Quote
    Most Active Content Add
    WP Opt-in Add
    Highest Rated Add
    Most Rated Add
    Pages Add
    Your blog’s WordPress Pages
    Calendar Add
    Meta Add
    Search Add
    Recent Posts
    Tag Cloud
    Categories Add
    Text Add
    RSS Add
    Recent Comments
    Add to Any Subscribe
    KB Countdown 1 Add
    Categories OR Pages Add
    Category Cloud Add

    Some duplicate the functions of others, I realize. And not all of these are installed in the same sidebar. But something odd has happened.

    At first, they all worked and showed up fine.

    Then, in the left sidebar, some disappeared.

    I have 9 widgets in that one sidebar (just trying them out to decide which to keep). Yet, on the page for managing widgets, where it still says I have 9… it only shows three of them.

    And then it says…

    %BEG_OF_TITLE%Most Popular:%END_OF_TITLE%

    The rest neither show nor function.

    I’m not sure what could have triggered that to happen. I did try to run something (another plugin) that was supposed to install the java for Google Analytics in each page. Maybe that broke something?

    Still, I’d like to find a way to get rid of the widgets and just reinstall them more cautiously… but this error message blocks me from uninstalling them.

    Is there a way to remove widgets from the php code by hand? Or maybe a way to deactivate them all and then turn them back on one by one?

    Thanks in advance.

    John F.


    I went in to the plugin settings and disabled a few that seemed clearly for the sidebar (popular comments, etc). Then went back to the widget manager, and all was well. Google Analytics, also, seems to have nothing to do with it.

    Now my only issue is with the otherwise great “Freshy2” template, which seems to be unable to delete “customary quicklinks” that I added and no longer want.

    Ok, I applied the described above. Could modify the feedburner-code regarding the image in a way that it uses the RSS-gif my chosen theme is using.

    But now it comes:

    If I adding another text-widged (a ‘subscribe via email’ textbox by feedburner) the layout is not the same as my chosen theme. It looks ugly. How can this be solved?

    Please help!

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