• I am a Newbie to this and trying to get an answer to my worries:

    I uploaded a working retail site with a wordpress 2.2 intact to a new host and the sql was done without any errors but I am not getting my retail site to come up.
    Instead, the site has a strange index page that says “Just another WordPress weblog.”
    The original retail working site does not show this. It is a retail site and does not come up with the Weblog like it is doing now as the index page.
    Going crazy to find out what went wrong with the upload of the full backup files.
    The website is up and running now because we had to put it back on the original host.

    Am I missing something when I did the upload to the new host even though there were no errors in the upload of the url of the site?
    I uploaded three times to see if it will make a difference.

    ALso when we access the wordpress on the site when it is up and running on its original host, this strange weblog error first page looks nothing like when it is up and running on its original host
    The wording is different and the passwords are different.

    We can usually use a password to access wordpress when the retail website is on its original host. But in this case, the wordpress is the first thing that comes up and the retail site is no where to be found after the upload of files to new host.

    One more thing, once all the files were uploaded without any errors on the new host, there was request by WordPress to do a new setup or something like that and it said that it is loading tables and there will be a new password and username to log in.



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  • your most likely looking at the installation page.

    Because you uploaded a new script it is trying to install itself.

    Sounds like you forgot to move over the database data as well.

    Check out Moving_WordPress for details.

    Thread Starter jouvert


    ok.. will try both suggestions.


    Thread Starter jouvert


    By the way HandySolo:

    Is there a way for me to remove that new script that was installed?

    Appreciate it


    Err, what script? You want WordPress to be installed — you just hadn’t moved over the accompanying data yet.

    Thread Starter jouvert


    Hello HandySolo:

    ok..maybe another stupid question. Where can I find the accompanying data
    to transfer it over? what file or where should it be in usually.
    I transferred (I think) all the backup files of the website to this point and my daughter and I did it three times.


    Thread Starter jouvert


    Hello HandySolo:

    Are you talking about the accompanying data of WordPress?

    If so that wordpress is already installed as 2.2 version on the site we are trying to move to another host and even now the site is up using that version but when we try to transfer to a new host that is where we lost the url of the website and what shows up is a Webblog that ask for comments etc.

    Are we on the right track of thinking this out?

    I’m not completely following your questions, but assuming you’re moving WP from one server to another, it sounds like you’re half-way there.

    You’ve moved the files. That’s a good start. But all the blog contents are located in the database. Have you exported from the old database and imported to the new one on the new host? Details on how to do that can be found at the Moving_WordPress link I gave earlier.

    Thread Starter jouvert


    Ok.. thanks.. I will go check it out again..

    Yes.. We are moving all of the site from one host to another host and the only predicament is the blog that comes up with wordpress on it to send comments and not the site itself. I was thinking that maybe that it all came from a unique file in the uploaded backup files my daughter retrieved from the original host defaulting to this type of index on the new host? or maybe it is a bug with version 2.2?

    Just thinking loud and not sure if I am correct or not but learning in the mean time from all of this and your efforts and the forum efforts to help.

    In the meantime, I will go and check out the wordpress website that you suggested and see where I can get some answers to fix this headache.

    Thanks again


    Thread Starter jouvert


    Man.. I am begging for help here and will pay anyone to upload this site for my daughter.

    It has been a hell of two weeks uploading and re uploading and looking at supports and checking trouble shooting and we are fed up with this.

    So if anyone want to make some money let me know cause this is beyond me with this wordpress 2.2

    I am a newbie yes I am but this is too much. Three weeks of trying this and when I go back to the old host it works properly.

    I have redone over and over again the wp-config.php and man this is going no where so if it will take some one to get paid to do this let me know. I can see all the information in Godaddy Sql database and all the processes and we did nights of checking with Godaddy and they are totally out of suggestions for three weeks on why WordPress will not work and when we put it back to the new host, even Godaddy is laughing at us. The sql was changed, password and all that stuff but all we see is some stupid weblog that takes us nowhere and the wensite is invisible as an index. The wordpress blog does us no good and this is too much.

    I am fed up and tired


    Thread Starter jouvert


    I don’t think I can explain anymore about this thing. I entered all the information everything and yet this word press thing is still unresolved

    Some web hosts have a service where they will move your site (including databases) from your old web host. You should contact your new host to see if they offer this service.

    Hundreds, if not thousands of WP users had moved their blog following to the letter the guide that HS linked to in his very first reply above.

    There is nothing magic in it: you backup
    a) the WP files
    b) the database with the content.
    Then you upload the files to the new location, import the database, change two (2) values in it via phpMyadmin, edit the config file to reflect the info of the new server – done.
    No need to run install or anything.

    You don’t even need to “think” (loud or not) – just follow the simple instructions.

    I bet it’s a 5 minute job if things were not screwed up during all those trials.

    Godaddy is the new or the old host? If it’s the new one, are you on a Linux packge or Windows? If Win – change it immediately to Linux. They say you can request the switch from your (host) admin panel.

    Thread Starter jouvert


    Godaddy is linux

    You mentioned “No need to run install or anything.”

    but everytime we upload everything properly and without any problems there is an wp-install that shows up that locks everything up after the complete upload to Godaddy without errors and if we dont follow the request to install by WordPress, we are locked out and forced to click yes to install and then an email is sent to our email address and that is where the confusion begins (or frustration) Here comes this Weblog and like a sample page of wordpress asking us for comments and there is no site of the site that we uploaded as advised.

    We will go at it again this time for the 7th time and see what happens all over again.

    We need to breath here. I am not blaming WordPress because obviously this 2.2 version had to be working in all types of installation it is just that we are running out of ideas here on what we might be doing wrong and it will be the 7th time we are doing this for the pass three weeks.

    We are blaming ourselves not your WordPress 2.2

    We just need something to show up


    (just for the record: it is not “my” WP…)

    but everytime we upload everything properly and without any problems there is an wp-install that shows up

    Obvious questions in this case:
    – is the wp-config file pointing to the imported and existing database?
    – is the database in good working order? (one of my clients had a similar issue: visiting the blog always asked for install – it was a database error that only the host could fix on their DB server!)

    Doing exactly the same thing for the 7th time after trying it 6 times… will not help. You have to find the cause of the error in order to fix it.

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