Fast And Slick
Very slick and creates child themes on the fly.
Downside is no option to insert Theme description and Author’s name
That’s a good point. I’ll have to make sure to get that into the next release.
Hi John,
I just posted to about your plugin in the Responsive theme environment. Here is what is in their ‘official’ Child theme. (Why, as yet, I have no clue.)
I am not sure IF you should care and I just wanted to keep you informed.OBTW: the preview of the child you create has no image.
Theme Name: Responsive Child Theme
Theme URI:
Description: Responsive Theme is a flexible foundation with fluid grid system that adapts your website to mobile devices and the desktop or any other viewing environment. Theme features 9 Page Templates, 11 Widget Areas, 6 Template Layouts, 4 Menu Positions and more. Powerful but simple Theme Options for full CMS control with easy Logo Upload, Social Networking and Webmaster Tools etc. Responsive is WooCommerce Compatible, Multilingual Ready (WPML), RTL-Language Support, Retina-Ready, W3C Markup Validated and currently translated into 40 languages. Cross-Browser compatible and yes even the IE7. No paid memberships or clubs to get a FREE/Responsive Support you need. responsive
Version: 1.0.0
Author: ThemeID
Author URI:
Tags: white, black, gray, light, custom-menu, custom-header, custom-background, one-column, two-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, flexible-width, theme-options, threaded-comments, full-width-template, sticky-post, translation-ready, flexible-width, rtl-language-supportLicense: GNU General Public License
License URI: license.txtResponsive WordPress Theme, Copyright (C) 2003-2012 Emil Uzelac
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
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Hi Chris,
Thanks for your note. I think Emil is trying to give child themers a bit of a boost in saving them some time with child themes. My plugin can’t really be that broad, since I wanted it to work with pretty much any theme in the repo. My plugin gets you a starting point to work from, but unfortunately can’t do any of that work for you, because there’s no way to do so for more than one theme.
Regarding the thumbnail, it’s true. I have plans for adding files that will get added, copied over, etc., for version 2.0. I go back and forth on the thumbnail: although when first created, the theme should look the same as its parent, the idea of creating a child theme is that you can then tweak it and change it into something other than the parent. Part of me wants to copy the thumbnail so people recognize it as the child theme they just created, but the other part of me wants to leave it out because the thumbnail will almost never be what the child theme ends up looking like.
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