Hi Jack,
Thanks for your reply to my earlier review of your plugin.
As a developer of a handful of plugins I have to say that I find it a bit strange that you bring up your busy schedule and providing for your families. After all it was your choice to release the plugin through the WordPress Plugins Repository in the first place. Nobody asked you to do that free of charge, that was solely your decision.
I do not shy away from paying for premium plugins, but I do not like the implication that I have to pay to make a free plugin better, especially since you indicate within the code of the plugin and on some support threads that the “feature” that is missing, is on the “todo”-list.
lines 489-494 of the main plugin file:
/* remove files from server */
/* TODO: Add option in settings panel */
/*foreach($dropbox_upload as $file)
On top of that, if you would not be willing to support your free plugin and/or feature requests, perhaps it would be an idea to add a note that explains such in the description of the plugin.
Once the missing functionality is included and the plugin does what it should do in the first place (i.e. saving the uploaded file on Dropbox, but not in the wp-content folder), I will be the first to update my review of the plugin.
Warmest regards,