• likhonkhan280


    There are actually many facts about golden retrievers that are little known by most people. Golden Retrievers originated in Europe, and came into existence as the result of the search for a top quality hunting dog in the mid-1800’s. Thanks almost solely to the efforts Sir Dudley Marjoribanks (also known as Lord Tweedmouth) of Scotland, we now enjoy the softhearted and well-built canine loved by so many today. Initially bred to retrieve downed waterfowl and other types of game, the very first recorded breeding selection was between a Tweed Water Spaniel female named “Belle” and an unregistered male yellow retriever by the name of “Nous.” Through careful selection and breeding from the stock of various dogs such as the Tweed Water Spaniel (sadly, now an extinct breed), Bloodhounds, Springer Spaniels, Irish Setters and several other breeds, Sir Marjoribanks was able to develop this trainable, powerful, and gentle sporting dog. These splendid animals have been in the continental United States since the latter part of the 19th century. The earliest historical reference to the breed in 1894 was a female dubbed “Lady,” belonging to the Honorable Archie Marjoribanks. The American Kennel Club finally recognized this new and highly desirable breed in 1930. Besides being one of the most enduring choices for family dog breeds, they are lauded for their working abilities as seeing-eye dogs, handicap/mobility assistance dogs, as well as search and rescue dogs. We strive to continue this tradition of excellence in our English creme golden retriever.

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