• Cool Points

    * Lets you create any number of templates (comes with standard ones), for widget, page display, and listing output. You can do whatever you want with this, but the defaults are good.
    * Allows sorting of output by almost any field, including random output.
    * Allows a huge variety of transition methods for Ajax. You could hardly ask for a greater power in terms of an Ajax testimonial plugin.
    * Lets you set transition timing (but again, the defaults are fine).
    * Does a lovely shortcode output for a full page.

    Advanced Options

    * Provides the option to edit the included stylesheet (will it be overridden, however, on update?)
    * Can turn on/off using the attached stylesheet (so you could do your own CSS)
    * Can turn off jQuery cycle, if your theme already uses it
    * Can load Javascript in footer
    * Can choose your own Ajax loader image
    * Can customize the Gravatar size


    * If I didn’t like the default image size, it was not 100% clear how to change that (just changing Gravatar Size created a funny display in one case).
    * It comes up with a loading display—this could be seen as a plus or a minus.
    * The out-of-the-box formatting is not gorgeous—needs spacing added, probably a little small. So while out-of-box formatting is all right, it could be better.
    * It is unclear whether there is a way to do a non-Ajax version for the sidebar widget version.

    As one other reviewer did say, “Much to my surprise, That TB in the admin bar was added by this plugin. It is little more than self promotion and doesn’t belong there.” That’s true. Not a good practice IMHO, to put something in the admin bar. But the author argues that it’s valid self-promotion for a free plugin. (I would disagree, as I feel the admin bar is a bit “sacred,” but okay.

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  • Plugin Author Travis Ballard


    Thanks for the detailed review.

    You mention in the first point of the advanced options about the ability to edit the included stylesheet and asked if it gets overwritten with updates and you’re correct they will be overwritten. So because of that, I would advise against this. Or at the very least create a backup of the css file before performing any updates so that your changes can be added back easily.

    Under cons, the loading display (2nd bullet point) can be disabled under the general settings tab by unchecking “display loading graphic”.

    To only show testimonials through the widget in a non-ajax manner (Cons, bullet 4), you can uncheck ‘Loop through all testimonials” in the widget settings and it will prevent it from rotating them.

    Also, don’t tell Jon (kidding), but I’m considering removing TBar from the next update because of his ranting about it. Not sure when I will release that update though as I’m working on a pro version at the moment and I still have to figure out what I can add to make it worth it for your guys, the users.

    Not having TBar in the pro version was going to be a selling point but I think if I can come up with other better selling points that it will justify removing it all-together. Hip hip hooray, right?

    Travis Ballard

    Plugin Author Travis Ballard


    Just an update to this, TBar was removed in version 1.7 so there is no longer any shameless self promotion in the admin bar.

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