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    Thread Starter deific


    awww root I was hopeing you would help me out since the other explanations you gave to other people were easy to follow.

    Thank you for giving Trident a run. Your blog is looking very spiffy already. This is minor. The trick is to work out on paper what shape you need the bg image to be and how it needs to run. I have looked at yours and it seems to be 150 by 100 px. What I would suggest to get what I understand you want is to adjust the image so that it is suitable to be repeated both across and down. That means getting the pattern set correctly. It should be a gif not a bmp. Then it is set up with

    body {
    background: #ffffff url ('pathtoyourimage.gif') top left;
    otherstuff: etc;

    It should tile downwards and across.

    Thread Starter deific


    oh, maybe i wasent being clear. I wanted the bg of the leaves that is on the right side to run down along the left side just reversed. I have the images but I cant seem to have both background running along the edges simutaniously. If I’m still not being clear, the effect i kinda want is similar to the right and left side of this forum. Thanks for your help root.

    Well if you right click on the edge of the forum you will see the shape of the graphic. Do you see that OK? Take this slowly. Please do not make up a graphic till I have explained the width issue to you. But just have a look now.

    Thread Starter deific


    looks like 58×42

    No its not. It is a long thin graphic that goes from left to right with a shadowed bg at each end. It is all one piece. The remainder of the bg is a small square tile.
    You see?

    Thread Starter deific


    I am sorry but when i right click anywhere on the patterned background i get the 58×42 image titled untitled. weird thing is i can right click on the middle part of the forum where the text is and i still get the 58×42 image. My browser might be wigging out. I am useing avant.

    Ahhhhhhhh. Avant has a serious and incureable tiled bg rendering bug. No wonder you are in a mess. As a development tool it is hopeless. Why not install Firefox. Anyway just imagine a wide thin rectangle. We add a div #outerrap and it goes all the way down. You just see the two *wings* at the side.

    ok i got foxfire and installed it and i see what you are talking about. how can i use this effect on the style of background i am useing for my site since its not shadowed.

    Thread Starter deific


    do i just make a long background that spans the whole page? if so how do i figure out the pixle size image i need to make. also will it only be compatiable on some resolutions?

    Yes. Well the resolution should alter everything. This forum and Trident are both fixed width. The width needs to be the width of rap plus the wings.

    Thread Starter deific


    hey thanks alot root. i centered the background and altered the look alittle from what i wanted but i think it looks better this way anyways and i think it would work on more resolutions. thanks for your patientce and help.

    Fine looks cool now . Congratulations and Welcome. I will put up a *known user link* for you on Trident.

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