• Just a few things…

    if ( ! empty( $_POST['honeypot-comments'] ) )
    How would this ever execute if the id and name of your honeypot are 25 character random strings?

    <input type="hidden" id="'. RandomString(25) .'" name="'. RandomString(25) .'" />';
    Bots aren’t really going to fill out a type=”hidden” field… that’s more of a vinegarpot than a honeypot. You should make it a textarea to entice them, and hide it from real users with css (or javascript is even better)

    Even if both of those are done right, some spambots will still get through because they ignore the form you send them and just POST a standard WordPress form. To block those, you’d need to change the “name” attribute of the comment textarea to something else… which is a bit of a pain to do without breaking anything but it’s possible.

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