With my plugin no, with any other OGP plugin I’ve seen? no. Not saying there may be one I’m not aware of but mostly it’s tons of extra code and more time/requests for the user to post something. I built mine to just do what it does w/o asking or being in your way. I was also the 2nd plugin to do this many years ago.
BUT…. like I said… Facebook recently stopped caring what your og: tags are… it’s not just my plugin they stopped paying attention and pulling whatever they want to pull. Facebook changes stuff like that all the time and doesn’t warn developers. You can see in their debugger they scrape the site and pull the correct info but then they display other stuff. *SHRUG* Honestly drives me nuts but nothing I can do about it. SO even if you could choose your image they may/maynot respect it.
Best of luck man. Cheers.