Hi Scott,
I’m not the OP on this one, but I do have something that might help, if you’ll hear me out.
I love Pods, and was very excited to get started with it, from version 2 onwards. The problem that I have found is that there are not enough “simple” tutorials available that support the concept of ‘no coding required’.
So the support might just be about going ‘back to basics’, and updating the tutorials to make them relevant for a non-developer. (I span the category of being willing to play around with code, break things etc., and not always, or all the time!)
For example, I am struggling to figure out how to be able to edit the pod contents once it’s created. I was able to do that on the first day or two, and suddenly I can’t. I’ve changed enough parameters in the pods UI that I can’t remember what I started with, or how to get back there!
HTH … and yes, I’m still willing to stick with finding out how to make it work… for me.. it’s a 4 star plugin!