• I am using WordPress v4.0.1
    As per review by maldiver I too don’t see all the name of a file or folder when the name is long. I too don’t see a thumbnail of any images.
    I have another problem with renaming files or folders. Initially it looks like I have renamed something but then I get an error message and when I OK it the name reverts to the original name. I use a work-around: I create a new folder with the new name and then move the files. I found I couldn’t delete the old folder immediately. It told me the folder was not empty. On a later session another day I was able to delete such folders. To change a file name I upload the image again under the new name and delete the old one.

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  • Hi. I had same problem. and I solved it. try this

    varsion : 1.1.5
    file : media-file-manager-advanced/media-relocator.php
    Line : 427
    throw new Exception(‘1’); ← comment!

    Result :
    if (!mysql_query(“START TRANSACTION”, $wpdb->dbh)) {
    //throw new Exception(‘1’);

    I think… this code may cause Error 1. because mysql server can’t start transaction.

    Anyway, you comment this code, you can rename folder and file.

    note : if you upload an image file, wordpress create thumbnails. but this plugin don’t change thumbnail’s file names. So, if you want to rename image files, i recommend use another rename plugin.

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