Hi, thanks!
I just tried some plugins and while it works for the other ones it seems, the main one I wanted it to work for still doesn’t. But now that I think of it, I could just modify the code if you can tell me what might make it register for Tabify. Then if I have the issue in the future I can apply it, and post for others who might need the fix as well.
Do you mind?
Here is the way the meta box is added…
protected function _registerMetaBoxes()
if ( $this->the_plugin->capabilities_user_has_module('on_page_optimization') ) {
//posts | pages | custom post types
$post_types = get_post_types(array(
'public' => true
//unset media - images | videos are treated as belonging to post, pages, custom post types
unset($post_types['attachment'], $post_types['revision']);
$screens = $post_types;
foreach ($screens as $key => $screen) {
$screen = str_replace("_", " ", $screen);
$screen = ucfirst($screen);
$screen . ' - ' . __( 'SEO Settings', $this->the_plugin->localizationName ),
array($this, 'display_meta_box'),
return $this;