Needs attention…years ago
This plugin is disappointing and has not improved in more than 5 years. Part (maybe most) of the problem may be more due to the way Ooyala works rather than the plugin itself, so I’m happy to at least award it one star. The features the plugin attempts to provide are great and I appreciate the effort by the developer who did the WordPress integration, but Ooyala’s service itself is sub-par.
Ooyala clearly does not care about front-end performance or how their embedded video cripples page load render speed. The script that loads the HTML5 video blocks the rendering of the rest of the page.
I tried updating from v1.6.1 and all hell broke loose. Video not loading, fitVids incompatibilities, WP admin UI elements breaking, dogs and cats living together, etc. Not only did I have to revert to v1.6.1 but I also had to restore the site’s database to an earlier version.
Ooyala also isn’t aware of responsive design and sets fixed dimensions on inline style attributes with gay abandon. This creates a great deal of work for developers to integrate the video with modern websites.
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