• I’m starting a blog at JounalXtra.com. I’ve installed WordPress and can load the homepage provided I type JournalXtra.com into my browser’s address bar but any other page I try to access brings up my site’s index and I have to navigate to pages through it. Please can someone help me to get WordPress set-up properly?

    Additional information:

    JournalXtra is a sub-domain on a hosting package I took out with Hostgator for FantasyXtra.com (not running yet),
    JournaXtra is registered through Yahoo so I’ve set-up domain forwarding to https://journalxtra.fantasyxtra.com/journalxtra/index.php,
    I’ve set .htaccess to point to index.php (I think that’s what I’ve done anyway1).

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  • Thread Starter vorbiz999


    Solved it!

    Just in case anyone else needs to know how to hide their directory listings and direct browsers to their index.php file, well, here’s the solution I found (solution found here!)

    DirectoryIndex index.php
    IndexIgnore *
    <Files .htaccess>
    order allow,deny
    deny from all

    Further suggestions most welcome.


    You did good job. Just a few clarification.

    The IndexIgnore directive adds to the list of files to hide when listing a directory. When adding the IndexIgnore directive to the httpd.conf file, it is good idea to specify where it should be applicable. If you just type it into httpd.conf, it will be applicable to your whole website. So, it is a good idea to enclose it with the <Directory> tag, for example:

    <Directory “C:/WWW_ROOT”>
    IndexIgnore *

    This setting is global. If you want to disable listing for just some folders, then:

    If you can edit your .htaccess file (the one in the folder you want prevent from dir listing), insert the following:

    Options -Indexes

    This stops showing directory listings for URLs which map to the directory.

    You could also disable dir indexing completely. Find the following line in your httpd.conf and place a # in front of it.

    LoadModule autoindex_module modules/mod_autoindex.so

    This will disable directory listing completely for everyone and everywhere.

    The Allow,Deny you mentioned relates to restricting access . Again, this can be either in your httpd.conf or in your .htaccess. Note, you did <Files .htaccess>. This gives/restricts access to that file only. If you want to control a folder, you would use <Directory xxx>.

    Here is a good page on IndexIgnore: IndexIgnore

    See here if interested learning about Order Allow,Deny: Order Allow,Deny

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