Hello Rafah,
Our recipe plugin is designed as a replacement service for the hugely popular ZipList recipe plugin that was closed in December 2014. As with ZipList, recipes are saved and hosted into a universal recipe box. Once saved, your user’s can then take further action on your recipes such as add ingredients to their shopping list, use the meal planning calendar etc.
Please note that when a recipe is saved that we don’t include cooking instructions. Rather, we provide a link back to your recipe page. Your readers always have to come back to you in order to cook their saved recipes. This creates more page views for you.
ZipList was loved by both food bloggers and their readers. Everyone was sad to see them go. We’re providing all the same great recipe content action features as they offered and even a few more. Things such as recipe nutrition info, ingredients on sale at your reader’s local supermarket (US only) etc. We do not charge you or your readers anything for this service.
We’ll be adding even more great features and tools that you and your visitors will appreciate.
You make a valid point that we should be clearer in our plugin description of how this all works. More than we’re providing an extension to the Allison Day and ZipList plugin.
Thank-you for the feedback and hope you’ll continue to use our service. Your reader’s will love all the things they can do to actually take action on your recipes.