• Resolved fourwhitesocks


    Hello, I have the free HUGE IT slider installed (love it!) I’m wondering, how can I make my slider be full width. ** My slider is not inside a container… I made a widget area for it that is not constrained by a container or wrap.

    I do see that you can adjust the width – but it seems like it’s just in pixels and will not accept 100% because I tried that.

    Any help would be super, thank you ??


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  • Plugin Author huge_it


    Dear @fourwhitesocks you need to put the maximal available width with correct behavior height so if even you put higher size than widget it re size to max available and will work responsive so it will always take 100% width of your widget.

    Thread Starter fourwhitesocks


    Umm I don’t think you are understanding me though, the widget is NOT inside a container that has any restrictions so I’m wondering how do you make sure it goes 100% across the whole viewing screen? Usually this is accomplished by putting in 100%, but it’s not accepting percentage…

    Resolved? How did you get it 100% wide?

    Dear user if the slider is inside container, set for example 5000×5000 it will get 100%. so no matter what large number you will set, if that number is beyond container size it will take 100% no more.

    Thread Starter fourwhitesocks


    OK so mine was NOT in a container ??

    So what I did. kind of like the above Support Member posted, I resolved it by making it ‘look’ like it is full width. I did set it at a very large pixel amount for the width; and for the particular site I was working on at the time it works fine for what I need.

    I am trying this on https://www.mikecphotos.com and am not having luck.

    I would REALLY like the main page to be pretty much the slider since I am a photographer. Wonder if I have to go into CSS also to make it line up properly.

    Thread Starter fourwhitesocks


    Are you using the HUGE IT slider on that site right now?

    On my homepage right now yes that is the slider that is on it.

    Thread Starter fourwhitesocks


    From what I can see when I look at your code with Developer Tools your slider is inside a container and that’s why you are not able to get it to be as wide as you are seeking, because no matter how wide you set the slider it will be restricted by that container.

    Inside the slider plugin what width do you have the slider set at by chance?

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