• I normally do not write bad reviews but for me, this plugin just did not work. Also the support team needs training in customer service.

    First, I want to say I started off with the default WordPress theme and no additional plugins. So there were no theme or plugin conflicts possible. This plugin gave me so many problems, that it wasn’t even worth asking and waiting/hoping to get an answer.

    Their robotic responses, especially the ones indicating that THEY were not having that problem and then asking you to replicate the issue, was SO IRRITATING. Well OF COURSE your website is not experiencing that issue – you created the darn plugin and you know all of the ins and outs of it. You guys really need to STOP saying that YOUR website is not having any issues. Its Rude! What if you took a cheeseburger back to McDonalds and said you didn’t have any onions on it and the cashier responded, well I just ate MY cheeseburger and it had onions on it. Just bad customer service!!! Anyway….

    * When I downloaded the plugin, according to the documentation, it was suppose to create a logout page. That never happened. I could not even find out how to create one.

    * The email confirmation links were dead. Whenever I clicked the link it said that it was expired. I did select under USER to use email confirmation, but the links never worked. I saw where a couple of people where having some of the same issues on the forum. One was never answered and the other was given the same robotic answer regarding deactivating plugins and such.

    * I uploaded a default image for the profiles – it never worked.

    * If I click on the name of a member in the member’s directory, it would just take me to a 404 page error. I saw so many people with this same issue and there is still NO set answer, explanation or instructions on how to resolve this.

    * It took me 4 days to figure out the registration. I did not know that I had to EXCLUDE that page from being blocked, THEN utilize the secondary button under Login to create the registration button. I figured this out after the registration button on the login form kept going to a page not found. After screaming like a mad woman and getting even more frustrated, I figured out how to make it work. I still don’t know if thats the correct way to do it – but it did get it working.

    I can go on and on. There are simply too many, if this, then that, remove this but then add that to make it function. And if the right combination is not used, it simply is not going to work.

    Someone need to do a video tutorial that show users how to set up the plugin in its most basic form, using a basic WordPress theme and no plugins. I’m not convinced that this works out of the box as I had nothing on the site to cause conflicts with this plugin.

    I spent over a week and countless of hours just nick picking through everything making sure that I changed this and that… it did not work. Now I’m in a crunch to try and find a membership plugin that I can get configured before my site launches in 2 WEEKS! All of this was a complete waste of my time. The end!

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  • Plugin Author tggfref


    First, show a link to my topic with the problem description, where, as you say you are unable to help.
    Second, show a link to your website where, as you claim, you have any of the problems described above.
    And last, give a link to your account on the website wppost.ru where you had all the described problems.
    If we get neither, we can assume that this review is untrue and made with the sole purpose to ruin the reputation of the plugin.

    Plugin Author tggfref


    А теперь по-русски. Имя пользователя оставившего данный отзыв – Василий.
    Как можно увидеть в данной теме https://wppost.ru/obsuzhdaem-otzyv-o-plagine/ данный человек настроил против себя и поддержку плагина и обычных пользователей.
    Теперь продолжает позориться публикуя отзывы к плагину переводя текст через гугл-переводчик.
    Данный отзыв уже третий негативный отзыв к плагину от этого персонажа, два предыдущих были удалены, но он настойчиво пытается добиться своего, проявляя чудеса фантазии).
    Хочется пожелать Васе сделать невозможное и опубликовать отзыв теперь на китайском.

    I saw so many people with this same issue and there is still NO set answer, explanation or instructions on how to resolve this.

    – (and you show these people. I have something on the forum do not remember such a problem. The more mass – as you say)

    а вы покажите этих людей. Я что-то на форуме не припомню такой проблемы. Тем более массовой – как вы утверждаете

    Thread Starter joufashion


    I don’t answer mucks and nonsenses. I wrote about a plug-in

    Plugin Author tggfref


    Вася, не надо держать всех за дураков.
    Стоит перейти по этой ссылке https://www.ads-software.com/support/profile/radioezofm и все сразу станет на свои места.
    RADIOEZOFM – https://yadi.sk/i/uyk7E-hck2W2j
    Следы ты умеешь заметать)))

    all works.
    joufashion – you are rediska

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