Great Support
UPDATED: The developer contacted me right away and fixed the problem with this plugin. He had been trying to trace down exactly what was causing the issue with just some web sites. My combination of theme and plugins helped him figure out the fix right away.
I now give it five stars. Great support and extremely useful plugin. I added a Facebook widget on a page so that visitors who do not have Facebook can see the posts on our page. By being able to put a widget ANYWHERE, I have more complete control over the page. THANK YOU Todd Halfpenny!
OLD REVIEW: The screen where you choose the widget gives the drop down list of possible widgets and nothing else. The Title box is not visible and there is no button to execute the chosen widget. I watched the demo and see there should be a Title bar to fill in but there is not. Maybe a conflict with another plugin but I need the plugins that I have. This plugin does not work for me.
Hey there @elizwood,
Really sorry to hear this, sounds like the same issue as these folk are having.
I would love to get to the bottom of this but so far have been unable to recreate the issue. Any chance you could please help me by filling in these details for me (as many as you can, but I understand if you don’t have them all)?
- WordPress Version
- PHP version
- Theme (and version)
- List of other plugins you have
- OS (Win, Mac, Linux)
- Browser
Thanks in advance… it would be really great to work out what’s causing this issue.
WordPress 4.5.2
Themes: Atahualpa – current version
I disabled all the plugin except the ones to display and still it did not work.
Windows 10
ChromeHere are the plugins. Yours is not on there as I am trying alternatives at this time.
404 to Start
Activate | Edit | Delete
Send 404 page not found error directly to start page (or any other page/site) to overcome problems with search engines. With optional email alert.Version 1.5.9 | By Jürgen Schulze | View details
Select Admin Columns
Admin Columns
Settings | Deactivate | Edit
Customize columns on the administration screens for post(types), pages, media, comments, links and users with an easy to use drag-and-drop interface.Version | By | View details
Select All In One SEO Pack
All In One SEO Pack
Upgrade to Pro | Documentation | Support Forum | SEO Settings | Deactivate
Out-of-the-box SEO for your WordPress blog. Features like XML Sitemaps, SEO for custom post types, SEO for blogs or business sites, SEO for ecommerce sites, and much more. Almost 30 million downloads since 2007.Version | By Michael Torbert | View details | Donate | Amazon Wishlist
Select BackupBuddy
Deactivate | Edit | License
The most complete WordPress solution for Backup, Restoration, Migration, and Deployment. Backs up a customizable selection of files, settings, and content for a complete snapshot of your site. Restore, migrate, or deploy your site to a new host or new domain with complete ease-of-mind. Stash Live feature allows for real-time live backups into the cloud.Version | By iThemes | Visit plugin site | Documentation | Support
Select Carousel
Activate | Edit | Delete | License
DisplayBuddy Series – Carousel lets you display a sliding image Carousel.Version 2.0.30 | By The iThemes Team | View details
Select Database Sync
Database Sync
Activate | Edit | Delete
Sync databases across servers with a single click.Version 0.5.1 | By tamlyn | View details
Select DM Albums
DM Albums
Activate | Edit | Delete
DM Albums is an inline photo album/gallery plugin that displays high quality images and thumbnails perfectly sized to your blog.Version 3.1.6 | By Frank D. Strack | Visit plugin site
Select Easy Nivo Slider
Easy Nivo Slider
Activate | Edit | Delete
Easily add the Nivo Slider to your website without writing any code. Choose images attached to a post, featured images from a category / custom post type / taxonomy, or a NextGen gallery. Add sliders to any post or page from the Visual editor, or to the sidebar with a slider widget. The plugin writes the shortcode for you and allows you to define slider size, navigation, animation, and speed. Over a dozen beautiful slider animations to choose from.Version 2.0 | By Phillip Bryan | View details
Select Featured Posts
Featured Posts
Deactivate | Edit | License
DisplayBuddy Series – Display featured posts and images in a widget or shortcode.Version 2.0.35 | By iThemes | View details
Select Foo Gallery
Foo Gallery
Deactivate | Edit | Settings | Extensions | Help
Foo Gallery is the most intuitive and extensible gallery management tool ever created for WordPressVersion 1.2.9 | By FooPlugins | View details
Select FooBox Free Image Lightbox
FooBox Free Image Lightbox
Deactivate | Edit | Settings
The best responsive image lightbox for WordPress.Version 1.0.9 | By FooPlugins | View details
Select FooGallery – Polaroid Gallery Template Extension
FooGallery – Polaroid Gallery Template Extension
Deactivate | Edit
Adds an Polaroid Gallery TemplateVersion 1.0.2 | By bradvin
Select FooGallery Owl Carousel Template
FooGallery Owl Carousel Template
Deactivate | Edit
An Owl Carousel template for FooGallery with multiple options for presentation and functionality. Full details on Owl Carousel hereVersion 1.2.3 | By Matt Cromwell | View details
Select Google Analytics by MonsterInsights
Google Analytics by MonsterInsights
Settings | FAQ | Deactivate | Edit
This plugin makes it simple to add Google Analytics to your WordPress site, adding lots of features, e.g. error page, search result and automatic outgoing links and download tracking.Version 5.5 | By MonsterInsights | View details
Select Google XML Sitemaps
Google XML Sitemaps
Deactivate | Edit
This plugin will generate a special XML sitemap which will help search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and to better index your blog.Version 4.0.8 | By Arne Brachhold | View details | Settings | FAQ | Support | Donate
Select iThemes Accordion
iThemes Accordion
Deactivate | Edit | License
DisplayBuddy Series – Accordion lets you group items in accordion style via a shortcode or widgetVersion 1.0.50 | By iThemes | Visit plugin site
Select iThemes Boom Bar
iThemes Boom Bar
Activate | Edit | Delete | License
Add notification bars to the top of your site.Version 1.2.7 | By iThemes | Visit plugin site
Select iThemes Security Pro
iThemes Security Pro
Settings | Deactivate | Edit | License
Take the guesswork out of WordPress security. iThemes Security offers 30+ ways to lock down WordPress in an easy-to-use WordPress security plugin.Version 2.3.6 | By iThemes | Visit plugin site | Get Support
Select iThemes Slideshow
iThemes Slideshow
Activate | Edit | Delete | License
Slideshow lets you display images with fully customizable animated transitions and effects. Easily create image groups and display them anywhere on your site.Version 3.0.10 | By iThemes | View details
Select iThemes Sync
iThemes Sync
Deactivate | Edit | License
Manage updates to your WordPress sites easily in one place.Version 1.9.0 | By iThemes | Visit plugin site
Select MapPress Easy Google Maps
MapPress Easy Google Maps
Deactivate | Edit
MapPress makes it easy to insert Google Maps in WordPress posts and pages.Version 2.43.4 | By Chris Richardson | View details
Select NextGEN Gallery
NextGEN Gallery
Deactivate | Edit
A NextGENeration Photo Gallery for WordPressVersion 1.9.13 | By Photocrati | View details | Overview | Get help | Contribute
There is a new version of NextGEN Gallery available. View version 2.1.43 details or update now.
Select NextGEN Gallery Search
NextGEN Gallery Search
Deactivate | Edit
Adds a gallery search option to the NextGEN galleries menu. Please notice: you can only search galleries with this plugin. You can search for images by using the search option in the top right on the ‘Manage Galleries’ page.Version 2.12 | By By the WWW… | View details
Select Open Graph Rescrape
Open Graph Rescrape
Activate | Edit | Delete
This plugin programatically forces a Open Graph rescrape. Just click the button in wp-admin.Version 0.2.1 | By Urban Sanden | View details
Select Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions
Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions
Activate | Edit | Delete
Optimizes the WordPress Database after Cleaning it outVersion 4.1.6 | By CAGE Web Design | Rolf van Gelder, Eindhoven, The Netherlands | View details
Select Recent Posts Slider
Recent Posts Slider
Activate | Edit | Delete
Recent Posts Slider displays your blog’s recent posts either with excerpt or thumbnail images using slider.Version 1.1 | By Neha Goel | View details
Select Regenerate Thumbnails
Regenerate Thumbnails
Activate | Edit | Delete
Allows you to regenerate all thumbnails after changing the thumbnail sizes.Version 2.2.6 | By Alex Mills (Viper007Bond) | View details
Select Rotating Text
Rotating Text
Activate | Edit | Delete | License
DisplayBuddy Series – A plugin that rotates text using animation to fade the text in and out.Version 1.0.41 | By iThemes | Visit plugin site
Select Shareaholic | share buttons, analytics, related content
Shareaholic | share buttons, analytics, related content
Activate | Edit | Delete
The world’s leading all-in-one Content Amplification Platform that helps grow your website traffic, engagement, conversions & monetization. See configuration panel for more settings.Version | By Shareaholic | View details
Select Simple Facebook Page Plugin
Simple Facebook Page Plugin
Activate | Edit | Delete
Shows the Facebook Page feed in a sidebar widget and/or via shortcode.Version 1.4.13 | By Dylan Ryan | View details
Select Slides
Activate | Edit | Delete
DisplayBuddy Series – Slides allows users to build custom slides then display them.Version 1.0.5 | By The Pluginbuddy Team | View details
Select SmoothGallery
Deactivate | Edit
Embeds JonDesign’s SmoothGallery.Version 1.15.8 | By Christian Schenk | View details
Select Tipsy
Activate | Edit | Delete | License
Displaybuddy Series – Tipsy lets you display customized tooltips.Version 1.0.34 | By iThemes Team | Visit plugin site
Select Transpose Email
Transpose Email
Activate | Edit | Delete
Keeps your email safe from spammers when you want to use mailto: links.Version 1.3.1 | By Ajay D’Souza | View details
Select Users Searched For
Users Searched For
Activate | Edit | Delete
This tool will record and display every term your users have searched for on your WordPress website. It will also show if they found what they were looking for, by indicating the page they landed on after the search.Version 1.0.1 | By Lucian Alexandru | View details
Select Widgets on Pages
Widgets on Pages
Activate | Edit | Delete
The easy way to Add Widgets or Sidebars to Posts and Pages by shortcodes or template tags.Version 0.0.12 | By Todd Halfpenny | View details
Select WP Featured Screenshot
WP Featured Screenshot
Activate | Edit | Delete
This plugin provides a screenshot of any website as a featured image or embedded image.Version 1.3 | By Allyson Rico, Robert Macchi | View details
Select WP Twitter Feeds
WP Twitter Feeds
Deactivate | Edit
Displays latest tweets from your Twitter account using Twitter oAuth API 1.1.Version 1.4.9 | By Vivacity Infotech Pvt. Ltd. | View details | Support | Donate
Select Xmas Lights
Xmas Lights
Activate | Edit | Delete
This plugin adds Xmas Lights.Version 1.0.3 | By GraphicEdit | View details
Select Yet Another Related Posts Plugin
Yet Another Related Posts Plugin
Activate | Edit | DeleteThis is great @elizwood, thanks!
I’ll try to get a setup like that in place to see if I can find the issue.
Hey again @elizwood… I really hope I’ve made a breakthrough here, thanks to all the info you provided.
If I were to post a link to an updated PHP file would you be willing to test it out for me, please? It would involve FTPing the file onto your server.
For info for you (and others) it seems that the widgets that come with Atahualpa behave differently from those that come with WordPress itself (and others I’ve seen so far)… so I’ll continually looking into getting them to work too.
I am happy to try it again.
Smashing, thanks! The file is here.
Please unzip it and then upload the turbo-editor-dialog.php file it contains into the following directory (there is a file of this name in there already)
Once this is in place you should be able to re-activate the plugin and then hopefully be able to insert widgets using the WYSIWYG editor.
I really appreciate you taking time to help out here, this issue has been bugging me for weeks now.
It works….but not with the Atahualpa widgets.
I found the Widgetize pages Light when I could not get your plugin to work. There are a few conflicts you might want to test between the two. Don’t need both but someone might have both and run into problems. Thanks!
FYI. The reason I was trying you Turbo Widget is because your original Widget on Pages stopped working when I updated the site. You might want to also update the same changes to the old plug in that you did to make Turbo Widget work.
@elizwood – Oh Yes! I’m so pleased, and very grateful… you wouldn’t believe how many different setups of WP I have with diff versions of themes/PHP/plugins and I haven’t been able to spot the issue until now.
With this new info I should be able to also make some changes to now enable the Atahualpa widgets also (they’re built in a fairly old way so instantiating them needs a different approach, I think).
I shall get a release of the plugin out soon that fixes the issue of all widgets not working, and then I’ll get onto the task of handling these older widgets.
Thanks so much again, I really do appreciate it… and if you think that my support has been good I’d be ever so grateful if you could adjust the 1* rating ??
Thanks @elizwood for the review change, much appreciated… and good luck with the site.
Happy to help. Thank you for your contribution to the WordPress community!
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