Ok, I’m going to sit around and wait for you guys to debug the desktop app. Sorry, not going to do it.
This happened multiple times, where the desktop app just isn’t syncing right to people’s support questions! After a few hours of using the app, it just doesn’t respond! When I restart the app on Windows, it picks up the question fine.
This is your software for the PC, has nothing to do with the themes or plugins on wordpress, which your trying to pin it on obviously. The “wordpress plugin” works fine as is, but we’re not talking about that are we, I’m talking about the $20 I just payed for the desktop app, right? I’m not staying logged into my site and having an extra window open at all times to respond to people’s questions, meanwhile waiting for you guys to fix the app.
I payed $20 for the desktop app and the mobile app, which obviously has bugs. When people pay for things, they expect solid results right out of the box. Like I said, I download the version you guys give me in the email, then I install it, then it already tells me there’s another update… And the version you guys gave me had bugs in it! That’s very shady in my experience!!!
My reputation is on the line with my woocommerce store, I’m not risking it because your software is buggy and you want me to wait around for you guys to fix the code.
If you want happy users, just refund my money and don’t give me a hard time about it. So far this is the 2nd answer from your support team. If you can respond to my questions, you can hit the button on paypal that refunds my $20!
A lot of you independent software companies need to learn how to honor refunds… I’ve bought plugins on Code Canyon and there’s a great deal of plugins that get abandoned all the time.
Hmmmm, kind of interesting, I look up your company and refunds on the web, same people have the same problem…
It’s rather interesting how you’ve responded to my review on www.ads-software.com instantly within hours, yet you leave 3 members on your forum hanging for days with same problem!
Please don’t have me escalate this to paypal, refund my money now thank you!
Receipt number: 4DG766019E740770P